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Practical Lymph Node and Bone Marrow Pathology
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This book provides a step-by-step and practically applicable approach for the accurate and clinically relevant diagnosis of lymph node (LN) and bone marrow (BM) biopsies. Clinicians expect pathological guidance not only with accurate diagnosis, but also about disease progression, minimal residual disease, disease susceptibility to a particular therapy, effects of prior therapy on prognosis and subsequent therapy etc. This book provides brief but to the point guidance about the prognostic and therapeutic implications of key ancillary studies so that the pathologist is comfortable to answer clinician's questions over the entire arc of manifestations and management of the disease. The text follows the WHO (2016) classification in essence but the material is organized in a fashion most useful to a practicing surgical pathologist. This is achieved by focusing on the morphological findings as the starting point. Using this morphological "backbone" and several frequently asked questions (FAQs) the reader is guided to a rational list of differential diagnoses leading to a definitive diagnosis. The contents of each chapter are carefully selected so that the practically important and directly applicable information is available in an easy-to-find and easy-to-grasp format.

Practical Lymph Node and Bone Marrow Pathology serves as a practical introduction and handbook for pathology trainees and hematopathology fellows and will remain a useful reference to practicing pathologists when they are signing out lymph nodes or bone marrow specimens.


Essentials of the Immune Response and Immunophenotyping.- Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology for Hematopathology.- Evaluation of Excised Lymph Nodes.- Lymphoid Pathology on Small Biopsies (FNA and Small Core) - Advantages and Limitations: Guidelines for Ancillary Studies According to Clinical Scenario and Morphology.- Small B-Cell Lymphomas With and Without Plasmacytic Differentiation.- Large B-Cell Lymphoma.- High-Grade B-Cell Lymphoma.- Major Subtypes of Mature T- and NK-cell Neoplasms.- Hodgkin Lymphomas.- Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders (PTLD).- Immunodeficiency-Associated Lymphoproliferative Disorders Other Than PTLD (In Primary Immune Deficiency, HIV, and Iatrogenic Conditions).- Primary Extranodal Lymphomas of GI Tract, Lung, CNS and Skin With Common Mimics.- Lymphoid Neoplasms With "Benign" Clinical Course or Unclear Malignant Potential.- B-Cell Lymphoma in Children or Pediatric Type.- Indolent T/NK-Cell Lymphoproliferative Disorders.- Composite Lymphoma.- Histiocytic/Dendritic Cell Neoplasms: Primary and Transdifferentiated.- Typical Morphologic Patterns of Infectious and Other Reactive Lymphadenopathies.- HHV8-Associated Lymphoproliferative Disorders.- Bone Marrow at Initial Diagnosis: Clinical Associations and Approach to Diagnosis.- Acute Leukemias.- Chronic Myeloid Leukemia.- Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (Other Than Chronic Myeloid Leukemia).- Myelodysplastic Syndromes.- Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative Neoplasms.- Plasma Cell Neoplasms (Including Plasma Cell Myeloma).- Bone Marrow Involvement by Lymphoid Neoplasms.- Bone Marrow Involvement by Metastases and Granulomatous Conditions.- Bone Marrow Findings in Congenital/Hereditary Conditions.- Bone Marrow Involvement by More Than One Entity of Hematolymphoid Neoplasm.- Detection of Minimal Residual Disease.- Therapy Induced Marrow Changes.


ISBN-13: 9783030321918
Publisher: Springer (Springer Nature Switzerland AG)
Publication date: August, 2021
Pages: 752
Weight: 2282g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Oncology, Pathology


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