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Pre-Clinical Dental Skills at a Glance
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Main description:

Pre-Clinical Dental Skills at a Glance provides a comprehensive and accessible guide to the basic operative skills and core clinical skills required of those about to embark on dental clinical training. It serves as the perfect illustrated introduction for pre-clinical students and a handy revision guide for subsequent undergraduate and postgraduate stages. Following the familiar, easy-to-use At a Glance format, each topic is presented as a double-page spread with text accompanied by clear colour diagrams and clinical photographs to support conceptual understanding. Pre-Clinical Dental Skills at a Glance is a valuable resource for students studying dentistry, dental hygiene, dental therapy or dental nursing, as well as skills-based assessments such as the Overseas Registration Exam or the Licence in Dental Surgery.
Key features include: * An illustrated introduction to the dental clinical environment, basic operative skills and core clinical skills * Key concepts are explained and superbly illustrated enabling you to visualise the intended clinical endpoint * Core clinical skills covered include controlling cross-infection, giving and receiving effective feedback, history taking and communication skills * A companion website with self-assessment questions for students and teaching notes for instructors


Preface vii How to use your revision guide viii About the companion website ix Part 1 The clinical environment 1 1 The clinical environment 2 2 Lifelong learning and reflection 4 3 Simulator jaws 6 4 Basic restorative equipment 8 5 Handpiece maintenance and operation 10 Part 2 Basic operative skills 13 6 Posture and working with a dental mirror 14 7 Effective use of posterior matrices 16 8 Controlling bur depth and angulation 18 9 Investigating and controlling the carious lesion 20 10 Posterior approximal preparations 22 11 Anterior approximal preparations 24 12 Accessing the pulp space 26 13 Direct posterior restorations 28 14 Replacing a cusp with a direct restoration 30 15 Placing cervical restorations 32 16 Restoring incisors 34 17 Periodontal instrumentation 36 18 Moisture control and dental dam 38 19 Records for treatment planning 40 Part 3 Core clinical skills 43 20 Controlling cross-infection 44 21 Communicating and recording information 46 22 Giving and receiving feedback 48 23 Medical histories and the presenting complaint 50 24 Oral health assessment 52 25 Charting the dentition 54 26 Delivering oral hygiene instructions 56 27 Offering smoking cessation advice 58 28 Requesting and reporting on intra-oral radiographs 60 Further reading 62 Index 64


ISBN-13: 9781118766675
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd (John Wiley & Sons Inc)
Publication date: May, 2015
Pages: 80
Dimensions: 216.00 x 274.00 x 5.00
Weight: 250g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Dentistry
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