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Principles of Human Physiology, Plus MasteringA&P without eText
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This package includes a physical copy of Principles of Human Physiology, fifth edition by Cindy L. Stanfield as well as access to the eText and MasteringA&P and Interactive Physiology 10-System Suite (IP-10) on CD. Cindy Stanfield's hallmark clear and precise writing style in Principles of Human Physiology is complemented by an outstanding art program that is designed to maximize student learning and retention. The text integrates clinical connections and stimulating critical thinking questions in a clear and engaging visual presentation that makes it easy for students to learn, understand, and apply key physiological processes. The new Fifth Edition includes Health Facts and Functional Facts margin icons and a revitalized art program that focuses students' attention on the most important concepts. Focus on Diabetes boxes illustrate systems integration and highlight the important role of physiology in understanding this disease. The Interactive Physiology 10-System Suite (IP-10) significantly enriches teaching and learning environments by providing an audio/ visual presentation of complex topics.
For use as both a teaching tool in the classroom and a study tool for students, IP-10 features full-color animations and video, both with sound, that thoroughly demonstrate difficult physiology concepts, many of which occur at the cellular and molecular level. Extensive interactive games and Gradable Quizzes reinforce the material. Modules: * Muscular System * Nervous System I * Nervous System II * Cardiovascular System * Respiratory System * Urinary System * Fluids & Electrolytes * Endocrine System * Digestive System * NEW! Immune System MyLab and Mastering from Pearson improve results for students and educators. Used by over ten million students, they effectively engage learners at every stage. With proven success, Mastering has helped students make strides in learning for over 10 years. MasteringA&P has immersive content and tools that are so engaging that one educator said, "The majority of students (95.2%) enjoyed completing the online assignments and found them really interesting and helpful...When questioned 85.5% felt their understanding of the course material increased as a result of using MasteringA&P and 92.1% said they would recommend MasteringA&P to a fellow student."
With MasteringA&P, students gain knowledge that they will use throughout their lives, and universities gain a partner deeply committed to helping students and educators achieve their goals. For students * Pearson eText gives you access to an eBook that can be used on the go, and allows you to highlight, search and take notes as you read online. Access to the eBook depends on the package you have bought. * A&P Flix activities instruct you on key A&P concepts by combining the animations with questions. The hints and specific wrong-answer feedback mean you can learn from any mistakes you make. * Interactive Physiology is a fun and interactive tutorial system with full-colour animations and video. IP demonstrates difficult physiology concepts, helping you to advance beyond memorisation to a genuine understanding of complex processes. * Practice Anatomy Lab(TM) (PAL(TM)) 3.0 is an indispensable virtual anatomy study and practice tool to help you really get to grips with the subject. For educators * Online assignments, tests, quizzes can be easily created and assigned to students. * Gradebook: Assignments are automatically graded and visible at a glance.
Register now to benefit from these resources. A student access code is included with your textbook at a reduced cost. To register with your code, visit For educator access, contact your Pearson account manager. To find out who your account manager is, visit For more instructor resources available with this title, visit


ISBN-13: 9781447963202
Publisher: Pearson (Pearson Education Limited)
Publication date: August, 2013
Pages: None
Weight: 1610g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Anatomy, Physiology


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