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Proceedings of Light-Activated Tissue Regeneration and Therapy Conference
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Main description:

This book is the first to present the mechanism which explains why light is an effective treatment for so many illnesses and diseases. The book not only explains this mechanism, but describes uses for the mechanism, as well as what new work is planned and what changes will be seen in FDA regulations. Extensive papers and coverage on many interesting topics are included.


Keynote.- Mechanisms.- Near-IR picosecond pulsed laser induced suppression of metabolic activity in malignant human brain cancer: an in-vitro study.- Low level laser therapy in inflammatory diseases: possible mechanisms of actions.- Combined 660 nm and light improves healing of recalcitrant diabetic ulcers.- Blue light photo - destroys methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in-vitro.- Photobiomodulation for the treatment of retinal injury and retinal degenerative diseases.- Irradiation with a 780 nm diode laser attenuates inflammatory cytokindes while up-regulation of nitric oxide in LPS-stimulated macrophages: implications for the prevention of aneurysm.- New aspects of wound healing.- An introduction to low-level light therapy.- Enhancing photodynamic effect using low-level light therapy.- Light fractionated ALA-PDT: from pre-clinical models to clnical practice.- Combination immunotherapy and photodynamic therapy for cancer.- Patient-specific dosimetry for photodynamic therapy.- Novel targeting and activation strategies for photodynamic therapy (PDT).- Light therapy for the cardiovascular system.- Dentistry introduction.- Optical coherence tomography imaging for evaluating the photo bio modulation effects on tissue regeneration in periodontal tissue.- Photo-bio-modulation laser strategies in periodontal therapy.- Combined new technologies to improve dental implant success and quantitative ultrasound evaluation of NIR-LED photobiomodulation.- Photobiomodulation by low power laser irradiation involves activation of latent TGF-ss1.- The role of laser in diabetic management.- He-NelLaser irradiation stimulates proliferation and migration of diabetic wounded fibroblast cells.- The role of colostrum proline-rich polypeptides in human immunological and neurological health.- Photo therapy and nerve tissue repair.- Laser regeneration of spine discs cartilage: mechanism, in-vivo study and clinical applications.- Requirements for FDA approval.- Pain reliefwith phototherapy: session overview.- Is relief of pain with low-level laser therapy (LLLT) a clinical manifestation of laser-induced neural inhibition.- A systematic review of post-operative pain relief by low-level light therapy (LLLT) after third molar and endodonic surgery.- Complex regional pain syndrome: A new approach to therapy.- Electric field interactions.- The painful derivation of the refractive index from microscopic considerations.- Independent applications of near-IR broadband light source and pulsed electric potential in the suppression of human brain cancer metabolic activity: An in-vitro study.- EEG changes caused by mobile phones: reversing the side effects with a protective device.- Appendix.


ISBN-13: 9780387718088
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: September, 2008
Pages: 480
Weight: 881g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Biomedical Engineering, General Issues
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