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Main description:
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a high blood pressure in the arteries that supply the lungs with blood. Patients with mild PAH, particularly young patients, may feel quite well and get breathless or tired only with vigorous exertion. Those with severe PAH may get breathless on minimal exertion and feel tired, exhausted and experience chest pain, forceful heart beats, dizzy turns, loss of appetite, and have swelling of the legs due to fluid retention.
This book will help patients and their families understand what PAH is, and advise them on how to cope with their illness. In the UK patients with PAH are referred to one of the eight National Pulmonary Hypertension centres staffed by a team of specialist doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other staff who are experienced and expert in managing all aspects of the condition. Currently, the drugs used to treat the condition can be prescribed only by these specialists. The book will explain what the
illness is and how it is treated in a reassuring and understandable way.
The book will also be of interest to GPs, nurses and other related healthcare professionals.
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP Oxford)
Publication date: June, 2010
Pages: 144
Dimensions: 130.00 x 195.00 x 10.50
Weight: 148g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Cardiovascular Medicine, Public Health
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