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Post-traumatic Stress
Series: The Facts
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Main description:

Post-traumatic stress and its associated disorders, including Post-traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD) can develop after exposure to one or more terrifying events. It is a severe and ongoing emotional reaction to an extreme psychological trauma, such as a death or a threat to life, serious physical injury, or threat to physical and/or psychological integrity.
The book begins with a description of PTSD and other related problems often experienced by survivors, and a short history of developments in the field. Information on assessment, theory, research findings, and treatment procedures are provided. Further chapters reflect new theoretical thinking and directions in the field of trauma. It discusses the types of support that should be provided at an early stage for people and families affected by a sudden traumatic bereavement (e.g., homicide), and
presents this information in a practical and accessible way.
Though mainly intended for sufferers of post-traumatic stress, and their families and friends, it will also be of interest to the general reader. The book will also be an invaluable resource for professionals, particularly those who want to know about the psychological impact and management of trauma in a variety of contexts, such as general practitioners, clinical psychologists, psychiatric nurses and those in the voluntary sector.


ISBN-13: 9780199566587
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP Oxford)
Publication date: April, 2010
Pages: 136
Dimensions: 130.00 x 196.00 x 8.70
Weight: 152g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Accident & Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychology
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Average Rating 

For a small book...Post-traumatic stress really does punch above its weight. This is a valuable resource that covers a tremendous amount of information in 100 pages. What stands out is the frank discussion about misconceptions and myths about trauma. Quite often books on trauma are lax on assessment and treatment, but this book adequately provides a solid understanding of the field. The case vignettes, appropriately spaced throughout the chapters, provide excellent illustrations as well as teaching points for graduate level classes. This book is an affordable and exceptional primer and reference on trauma. It is a cost-effective way to increase your knowledge of trauma and have available a dependable reference on your shelf. This fantastic, highly portable gem of a book was easy to read and full of everything that I, as a newcomer to this particular area of work, needed to get me started. As a student I particularly appreciated the key points overview at the beginning of each chapter and found the contents of the 'Cultural responses to trauma' chapter thought provoking. This book gave me background information about P.T.S. without a bias towards any type of 'cure'. Does what is says on the tin! In its little size it covers a lot including the main questions people have regarding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as well as common responses, concepts and theories, as well as assessment, formulation, and of course treatment. I work in this field and have learned to value the vital importance of keeping this kind of work 'simple and human'. This book does this supremely well. It provides great background and context and should be essential reading for all that work in this field and all those who's lives have been sadly touched by such trauma. Very reader friendly and well laid out.