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Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Learn how to perform the full range of radical pelvic procedures with this comprehensive text and atlas
A Doody's Core Title for 2017!
Radical and Reconstructive Gynecologic Cancer Surgery is the first text to encompass the full range of extirpative and reconstructive surgical procedures required to treat locally advanced and recurrent pelvic cancers. It is a unique blend of clinical best practices and a detailed surgical atlas with numerous high-quality photographs and illustrations. The book reflects the integrated multidisciplinary team approach necessary for the effective management of these cancers.
The surgical chapters follow a consistent presentation that includes background, indications and clinical applications, anatomical considerations, preoperative preparation, surgical procedure, postoperative care, and long-term outcomes.
Radical and Reconstructive Gynecologic Cancer Surgery is divided into three main parts:
PART 1 covers the historical evolution of radical pelvic surgical procedures and provides an anatomical review of pertinent pelvic and abdominal visceral,vascular, and bony structures as a foundation for the detailed descriptions and illustrations of the surgical procedures that follow.
PART 2 consists of the extirpative procedures organized by system, physiology, and anatomic region in a text and atlas format. The detailed illustrations are complemented by operative photographs that emphasizethe practical or "how-to" aspects of each procedure.
PART 3 includes comprehensive coverage of the full range of reconstructive procedures and surgical options available to optimize patient outcomes, as well as a chapter on rehabilitation, quality of life issues, and symptom management.
I. Overview of Radical and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery
1. Historical Evolution
2. Relevant Gynecologic, Urologic, and Colorectal Malignancies
3. Surgical Anatomy
II. Extirpative Operations
4. Radical Hysterectomy
5. Radical Vulvectomy
6. Radical Cystectomy
7. Abdominoperineal Resection
8. Pelvic Extenteration
9. Laterally Extended Endopelvic Resection
10. Symphisectomy / Ischiectomy / Hemipelvectomy
III. Reconstructive Operations
Part A: Urinary Tract
11. Incontinent Diversions
12. Continent Diversions
13. Bladder and Ureteral Substitution / Augmentation
Part B : Gastrointestinal Tract
14. Colorectal Anastomosis and Colostomy
15. Ileal Pouch Anal Anastomosis
Part C: Vulvovaginal and Pelvic Floor Reconstruction
16. Omental Flap, Skin Grafts...
17. Rectus Abdominus Flaps, Pudendal Thigh...
18. Gracillis, Tensor Facia Lata, Vastus Lateralis...
Part D: Management of Complex Abdominal Wall Defects
19. Tissue Rearrangement Techniques
IV. Supportive Care
20. Rehabilitation, Quality of Life, and Symptom Management
Publisher: McGraw-Hill (McGraw-Hill Inc.,US)
Publication date: February, 2015
Pages: 352
Weight: 1467g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Oncology