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Recent Advances in Critical Care - 1
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Main description:

Recent Advances in Critical Care - 1 features a collection of in-depth reviews of the latest developments in the field. Written in an accessible format and featuring such topics as trauma coagulopathy, renal replacement therapy and the use of focussed transthoracic echocardiography in haemodynamic assessment, each chapter provides a comprehensive overview and emphasises points of interest. This first volume in the series is an invaluable resource for busy clinicians.

Key points

12 chapters summarising important recent advances within the field of critical care.

All topics are written in a practical and clinically relevant manner, further enhanced by the 'Key Points for Clinical Practice' section at the end of each chapter

All chapters are written by expert authors ensuring authoritative and accurate content

Full colour photographs throughout


Chapter 1 Advances in respiratory support

Peter Macnaughton

Chapter 2 Trauma-induced coagulopathy

Mark Burgess, Karim Brohi

Chapter 3 Prognostication following cardiac arrest

Matthew Thomas, Nick Kane

Chapter 4 Nutrition in critical care - the last 10 years

William Woodward

Chapter 5 Candida infection in non-neutropenic critical care patients: current difficulties and future developments in diagnosis and risk stratification

William A English, Elizabeth M Johnson

Chapter 6 Renal replacement therapy

Alex Harrison

Chapter 7 Clinical epidemiology and management of viral


Jonathan S Nguyen-Van-Tam, Kevin Rooney

Chapter 8 Thoracic ultrasonography

David Ashton-Cleary

Chapter 9 Re-establishing heart transplantation: donation after circulatory death

Stephen Large, Simon Messer, Aravinda Page

Chapter 10 Management of the adult congenital heart disease patient in general critical care

Sebastian Brown, Haslan Ghazali, Peter Murphy

Chapter 11 Transthoracic echocardiography in haemodynamic assessment

Ray Sinclair, Barnaby Scrace

Chapter 12 Poisonings: old favourites and novel designer drugs

Gemma Dignam, Colin Bigham


ISBN-13: 9781909836419
Publisher: Jaypee Medical (JP Medical Ltd)
Publication date: January, 2017
Pages: 202
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Accident & Emergency Medicine, Critical Care Medicine


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