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Rorschachiana 2018: 39
Journal of the International Society for the Rorschach, Vol. 39 /2018
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Main description:

Rorschachiana is the official publication of the International Society for the Rorschach and Projective Methods, now with more than 3,000 members throughout the world, which for over half a century has played an important role in supporting the use of the instrument, as well as helping to develop extensive empirical research on its effectiveness in specific clinical situations.


Issue 1
Research Articles Police Trauma and Rorschach Indicators: An Exploratory Study Tinkara Pavsic Mrevlje
Differential Performance of Professional Dancers to the Music Apperception Test and the Thematic Apperception Test Leland van den Daele, Ashley Yates, and Sharon Rae Jenkins
Original Articles The Italian Translation of Exner's FQ Tables: Need for a Critical Edition and for a Shared Standard Luca Angelino and Alessandra Ciliberti
SCZI or PTI - Schizophrenia or Psychosis? A Follow-Up Study Vera Campo
Erratum Correction to Vari et al., 2017 (
Obituary Vera Campo, 1927-2018
Issue 2
Research Articles A Normative Study in England With the Rorschach Comprehensive System Kari Carstairs, Sarah Hartley, Andrew Peden, Justine McCarthy Woods, Andre van Graan, Anne Andronikof, and Patrick Fontan
Clients' TAT Interpersonal Decentering Predicts Psychotherapy Retention and Process Sharon Rae Jenkins and Rachel B. Nowlin
Toward a Rorschach Hope Index Anthony Scioli, Mike Cofrin, Friederika Aceto, and Timothy Martin
Original Article A Scientific Critique of Rorschach Research: Revisiting Exner's Issues and Methods in Rorschach Research (1995) Jason M. Smith, Carl B. Gacono, Patrick Fontan, Enna E. Taylor, Ted B. Cunliffe, and Anne Andronikof
Book Review Handbook of Gender and Sexuality in Psychological Assessment Marianne Nygren


ISBN-13: 9780889375628
Publisher: Hogrefe Publishing
Publication date: January, 2019
Pages: 168
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Psychiatry, Psychology


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