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Single Pesticide Volume: The Triazine Herbicides
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Main description:

More and more biologists, chemists, pharmacologists, toxicologists, governmental agencies, and "food control" (regulatory) officials around the world are finding it increasingly difficult to keep abreast of the technical literature in the pesticide field; indeed, many libraries do not have even a small proportion of the journals and other sources that now regularly contain research, development, and application information about all aspects of modern chemical pest control. As a result, a very large number of requests has come to RESIDUE RE VIEWS to publish detailed digests of information on single pesticide chemicals so that the interested person in any part of the world could easily be brought up to date with all available important information without having to search probably several hundred literature sources, many of them obscure or simply not available except in very large libraries. The service and convenience rendered the readership by such a series of volumes on major individual pesticide chemicals would therefore be considerable. Type and scope of coverage in this series of single-pesticide vol umes will of course vary with available information. The coverage 'lhould be as complete as possible, however, to be of maximum value to all interested individuals, industries, research institutions, and governmental agencies concerned with the continuing production of an adequately large yet safe food supply for the world. Among the topics bracketed for a single pesticide should ideally be: I. Introduction II. History of development and use, including alternate names around the world, patent information III.


History of the development of triazine herbicides.- Use and performance of triazine herbicides on major crops and major weeds throughout the world.- to triazine-soil interactions.- Factors influencing the adsorption, desorption, and movement of pesticides in soil.- Mechanisms of adsorption of s-triazines by clay colloids and factors affecting plant availability.- Adsorption of triazine herbicides on soil organic matter, including a short review on soil organic matter chemistry.- Movement of s-triazine herbicides in soils.- Effect of triazine herbicides on soil microorganisms.- Microbial degradation of triazine herbicides.- Volatilization and non-biological degradation of triazine herbicides in vitro and in soils.- Persistence of triazine herbicides and related problems.- Ways and means to influence the activity and the persistence of triazine herbicides in soils.- Quantitative determination of triazine herbicides in soils by bioassay.- Quantitative determination of triazine herbicides in soils by chemical analysis.- Summary and conclusions.


ISBN-13: 9781461584667
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: May, 2012
Pages: 413
Weight: 629g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General Issues
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