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Main description:
Covering the veterinary technician's role and responsibilities in small animal surgery, Small Animal Surgical Nursing: Skills and Concepts, 2nd Edition helps you gain exceptional clinical competency. Topics include asepsis, operating room protocol, instrumentation, sterile technique, suture materials, suturing techniques, wound management, surgical assistance, and pre- and postoperative care of animals. Full-color photographs show instruments and equipment, and help you develop skills in sterile technique, suturing techniques, and wound management. Written by noted educator Marianne Tear, this edition expands coverage of emerging issues and hot topics such as nutritional therapy and physical therapy.
1. Preoperative Room Considerations
2. Preoperative Patient Considerations
3. Operating Room Personnel
4. Asepsis
5. Patient Monitoring
6. Surgical Assisting -- Duties During Surgery
7. Surgical Procedures
8. The Postoperative Patient
9. Postoperative Surgical Room / Equipment
10. Client Education for Postoperative Care
11. Pain Management
Publisher: Elsevier (Mosby)
Publication date: July, 2011
Pages: 360
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Veterinary Medicine
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