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Main description:
With focused coverage of the veterinary technician's specific role and responsibilities in small animal surgery, Small Animal Surgical Nursing, 3rd Edition helps you gain exceptional clinical competency. Topics include protocol, sterilization, gowning, gloving, anesthesia, wound management, and care of the animals before and after surgery. This new edition will also expand on common complications that might be encountered during surgical procedures and outlines how to best avoid or prepare for this situation. Plus, with enhanced online resources including interactive exercises, you will have all the tools needed to master the full gamut of surgical nursing responsibilities involving small animals.
1. Operating Room
2. Preoperative Patient Considerations
3. Patient Preparation
4. Patient Monitoring
5. Asepsis
6. Operating Room Personnel
7. Surgical Assisting - Duties during Surgery
8. Surgical Procedures
9. The Postoperative Patient
10. The Technician's Role in Pain Management
11. Postoperative Cleaning
12. Client Education
Appendix A: Quick Reference for Common IV Infusions and Analgesic Protocols
Appendix B: Answers to Review Questions
Publisher: Elsevier (Mosby)
Publication date: January, 2017
Pages: 368
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Veterinary Medicine
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