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SRB's Clinical Methods in Surgery
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Main description:

This book is a comprehensive guide to clinical methods in surgery for medical students.

Divided into six sections, the text begins with examination methods in general surgery. The following sections cover different body systems, trauma and orthopaedics.

The third edition has been fully revised and updated and many new topics added. The book concludes with new chapters on X-rays, instruments and specimens for quick revision.

Each chapter is presented in a step by step manner explaining history, clinical examination, investigations and differential diagnosis. Some topics include case studies and clinical pearls to assist learning.

Key points are highlighted in colour boxes and the text is enhanced by more than 2100 images and illustrations, many of which are new to this edition.

The book includes access to complimentary videos demonstrating examination techniques.

Key points

Fully revised, new edition explaining clinical methods in surgery
Third edition features new chapters on X-rays, instruments and specimens
Includes access to complimentary videos demonstrating examination techniques
Previous edition (9789351525264) published 2015


Section 1: Examination in General Surgery

Introduction to Clinical Approach and Examination
Examination and Clinical Approach of an Ulcer
Examination and Clinical Approach of a Swelling/Lump
Examination and Clinical Approach of Sinus and Fistula
Examination and Clinical Approach in Arterial Diseases
Examination and Clinical Approach in Venous Diseases
Examination and Clinical Approach to Lymphatic System
Examination and Clinical Approach to Peripheral Nervous System
Examination and Clinical Approach in Diseases of Muscles, Tendons and Fasciae
Clinical Approach and Examination of Oral Cavity
Clinical Approach and Examination of Jaw History
Clinical Approach and Examinations of Pharynx, Larynx, Nasal Cavities and Paranasal Sinuses
Clinical Approaches and Examination of Salivary Glands
Clinical Approaches and Examination of Neck
Clinical Approach and Examination of Thyroid
Clinical Approaches and Examination of Breast
Clinical Approaches and Examination of Hernia
Clinical Approaches and Examination of inguinoscrotal and Scrotal Swelling
Approaches and Examination of Male External Genitalia

Section 2: Examination in Abdominal and Related Conditions

Approaches and Examinations in Chronic Abdominal Conditions
Approaches and Examination of Acute Abdomen
Approaches and Examination of Mass Abdomen
Approaches and Examination in Rectal and Vaginal Problems
Approaches and Examination in Dysphagia

Section 3: Examination in Specialized Areas

Approaches and Examination in Urinary Diseases
Approaches and Examination in Hand Diseases
Approaches and Examination in Foot Diseases
Approaches and Examination of Face and Head
Approaches and Examination in Intracranial Diseases
Approaches and Examination of Chest Diseases

Section 4: Examination in Trauma

Approaches and Examination in Head injuries
Approaches and Examination in Chest injuries
Approaches and Examination in Abdominal injuries

Section 5: Clinical Methods in Orthopedics

Approaches and Examination of Bone and Joint injuries
Approaches and Examinations in injuries of Various Joints
Approaches and Examination in Bone Diseases
Approaches and Examination of Pathological Joint
Approaches and Examinations in Pathologies of individual Joints
Approaches and Examinations in Spine injuries and Diseases

Section 6: Miscellaneous

Surgical Pathology



ISBN-13: 9789352705450
Publisher: Jaypee Medical (Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers)
Publication date: July, 2018
Pages: 836
Weight: 1550g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General


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