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Main description:
Finally, the Italian doctor Quirico has produced a book that allows you to
easily compare and contrast specific traditional Chinese indications and their
modern Western counterparts, for all major acupuncture points.
In 256 pages, this book offers extensive clinical information on more than 400 acupuncture
points, arranged in a conveniently referenced format with a profusion of tables.
In three chapters, it discusses in numerical order the acupuncture points of the
twelve regular channels, the acupuncture points of the two extraordinary
channels, and lastly the extraordinary points on the head and neck, trunk, upper
limbs, and lower limbs. For each point, it provides:
- A linguistic explanation of the Chinese name
- A comparison of the modern Western and TCM indications in
table form - Explanatory notes to synthesize this information, offer
contraindications, and provide the applied clinical context - A second table with main combinations and their indications
- The TCM functions
Offering key point combinations and a complete list of clinical indications for each
acupuncture point, this book is an excellent complement to Volume 1, the
illustrated point atlas. By improving your understanding of each point’s
application, you will advance your practice of Chinese medicine and build a
bridge between the Western and Eastern medical paradigms.
Publisher: TPS
Publication date: October, 2007
Pages: 268
Weight: 36g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Complementary Medicine
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