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Technology and Consumption
Understanding Consumer Choices and Behaviors
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Main description:

Technology and Household Consumption is a comprehensive text that provides insights into technology's impact on consumer behavior and the household environment. Consumption and consumer behavior has become a very important subject of study that is now covered in many disciplines including family economics, culture studies, and feminist/women studies.

In the first section, this book provides a historical perspective on how consumer behaviors have changed because of technology and how technology itself has changed. Data on ownership and expenditures is detailed in describing the penetration of technology in the household and changes over time. In the examination of demographics and social changes, an emphasis is placed on women and children. As it is important to understand the entry paths and factors that influence them, the book also introduces a research framework to understanding the adoption and utilization of household technologies. In the second section, the book examines specific household technologies and consumption experiences including shopping choices and behaviors, entertainment outlets and availability, communications technologies, and working at home. The book concludes with a section on the relationships between marketers and consumers.


I.Overview of household technologies and consumer behaviors.-Technology in the Household: Looking Back, Looking Forward.-Changing Demographics, Changing Roles, and The Consumption Experiences in Households.-Technology in the Household: A Framework.-II.Specific Household Technologies and Consumption Experiences.-Shop Till We Drop.-Entertainment.-Reach Out and Touch Someone.-Buy Now Pay Later: Financing the Future.-Bringing Work Home.-III.Marketing in the Brave New World.


ISBN-13: 9781489994677
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: June, 2014
Pages: 211
Weight: 454g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Psychotherapy
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