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Main description:
Prepare for success on respiratory therapy credentialing exams! Updated to reflect the 2009 National Board of Respiratory Care (NBRC) content outlines, Sills' The Comprehensive Respiratory Therapist's Exam Review, 5th Edition helps you review for both entry and advanced level credentialing exams. It covers every testable subject, providing content review, self-assessment questions, and study hints. The new Evolve website contains electronic testing offering realistic practice for the entry-level credentialing exam and the advanced-level credentialing Written Registry Exam (WRE) and Clinical Simulation Exam (CSE).
- Patient Assessment
- Infection Control
- Blood Gas Analysis and Monitoring
- Pulmonary Function Testing
- Advanced Cardiopulmonary Monitoring
- Oxygen and Medical Gas Therapy
- Hyperinflation Therapy NEW!
- Humidity and Aerosol Therapy
- Pharmacology
- Bronchopulmonary Hygiene Therapy
- Cardiac Monitoring and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
- Airway Management
- Suctioning the Airway
- Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing (IPPB)
- Mechanical Ventilation of the Adult
- Mechanical Ventilation of the Neonate
- Home Care and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
- Special Procedures
Appendix: Summary Content Outline for CRT and Written RRT Examination
Entry Level Exam
- Pre-test (study mode)
- Post-test (exam mode)
- Entry Level CRT Examination Detailed Content Outline
Advanced Level Exam
- Pre-test (study mode)
- Post-test (exam mode)
- Clinical Simulations (to prepare for the CSE portion of Written RRT exam)
Therapist Written RRT Examination Detailed Content Outline
Publisher: Elsevier (Mosby)
Publication date: February, 2010
Pages: 672
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Medical Study and Teaching Aids, Physiology, Respiratory Medicine
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