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Main description:
The editors of this second edition have created a new and enriched volume that presents the most recent research on what works in therapeutic practice, a thorough analysis of this research, and practical guidance on how a therapist can truly "deliver what works in therapy." It examines the common factors underlying effective psychotherapy and brings the psychotherapist and the client-therapist relationship back into focus as key determinants of psychotherapy outcome.
David E. Orlinsky
Prologue: Saul Rosenzweig: The Founder of Common Factors
Chapter 1. Introduction
Mark A. Hubble, Barry L. Duncan, Scott D. Miller, and Bruce E. Wampold
Part I. What Works and What Does Not: The Empirical Foundations for the Common Factors
Chapter 2.The Research Evidence for Common Factors Models: A Historically Situated Perspective
Bruce E. Wampold
Chapter 3. Clients: The Neglected Common Factor in Psychotherapy
Arthur C. Bohart and Karen Tallman
Chapter 4. The Therapeutic Relationship
John C. Norcross
Chapter 5. Putting Models and Techniques in Contextm
Timothy Anderson, Kirk M. Lunnen, and Benjamin M. Ogles
Chapter 6.mEvidence-Based Practice: Evidence or Orthodoxy?
Julia H. Littell
Chapter 7. Psychiatric Drugs and Common Factors: An Evaluation of Risks and Benefits for Clinical Practice
Jacqueline A. Sparks, Barry L. Duncan, David Cohen, and David O. Antonuccio
Part II. Delivering What Works: Practice-Based Evidence
Chapter 8. "Yes, It Is Time for Clinicians to Routinely Monitor Treatment Outcome"
Michael J. Lambert
Chapter 9. Outcomes Management, Reimbursement, and the Future of Psychotherapy
G. S. (Jeb) Brown and Takuya Minami
Chapter 10. Transforming Public Behavioral Health Care: A Case Example of Consumer-Directed Services, Recovery, and the Common Factors
Robert T. Bohanske and Michael Franczak
Part III. Special Populations
Chapter 11. Evidence-Based Treatments and Common Factors in Youth Psychotherapy
Susan Douglas Kelley, Leonard Bickman, and Earta Norwood
Chapter 12. Common Factors in Couple and Family Therapy: Must All Have Prizes?
Jacqueline A. Sparks and Barry L. Duncan
Chapter 13. What Works in Substance Abuse and Dependence Treatment David Mee-Lee, A. Thomas McLellan, and Scott D. Miller
Part IV. Conclusions
Chapter 14. Delivering What Works
Scott D. Miller, Mark A. Hubble, Barry L. Duncan, and Bruce E. Wampold
About the Editors
Publisher: Eurospan (American Psychological Association)
Publication date: December, 2022
Pages: 277
Weight: 386g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Psychotherapy