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The Psychology of Aphasia
A Practical Guide for Health Care Professionals
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Main description:

Brain damage predisposes many persons with aphasia to a variety of psychological reactions, which are precipitated by stress and loss, and perpetuated by impaired verbal defense mechanisms and coping styles. Most of the literature on recovery from aphasia does not sufficiently address the overwhelming confusion and disorder that aphasia can cause in the patient, the communication partner, the communication between them, and their shared environment. The Psychology of Aphasia: A Practical Guide for Health Care Professionals fills this serious void.

Dr. Dennis Tanner has studied the psychology of aphasia as a scientist and professor as well as evaluated and treated thousands of patients with neuropathologies of speech and language as a clinician over his 40-year career. This text represents the culmination of his efforts to understand the major psychological aspects of this complex communications disorder.

The only text specifically addressing this topic, The Psychology of Aphasia is designed to provide the reader with a sound foundation of scientific information with current and historical scientific references spanning many decades. It delves into the certain psychological, emotional, and behavioral reactions that occur because of brain and nervous system damage, the psychological defenses and coping styles of patients and the verbal defense mechanisms they are deprived of due to their loss of language, as well as the grief response to the loss of physical abilities, valued objects, and the breakdown in communication.

Each chapter is written in accessible language and provides practical case studies, illustrations, examples of each major concept, and contains study and review questions to reinforce learning.

The whole aphasia rehabilitation team of speech-language pathologists, psychologists, physical and occupational therapists, social workers, physicians, nurses, home health aides, and family members will find The Psychology of Aphasia: A Practical Guide for Health Care Professionals an enlightening tool to bridge the gap between theoretical and practical issues in treating actual patients.




About the Author

Foreword by Robert Goldfarb, PhD, ASHA Fellow


Chapter 1 Aphasia and Related Disorders

Chapter 2 Psychology of Aphasia and Brain Damage

Chapter 3 Psychology of Aphasia: Defense Mechanisms and Coping Styles

Chapter 4 Psychology of Aphasia: The Grief Response




ISBN-13: 9781630912680
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: March, 2017
Pages: None
Weight: 318g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Counselling & Therapy, General Practice, Psychology


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