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Main description:
Understanding Menopause, Third Edition covers the key aspects of the transformational stage to a menstrual-free lifestyle, with focus on the importance of health maintenance. This updated chart defines menopause and perimenopause and gives a brief description of the changes that may be experienced during menopause. It also illustrates female reproductive anatomy and explains the role of hormones.
The chart provides an overview of medications that may help with symptoms, including the benefits and risks of hormone therapy and complementary and alternative medicine. It also lists other ways to manage the symptoms and stay healthy after menopause and emphasizes the importance of continuing or re-establishing a relationship with the health care provider for important tests and exams. A table lists important tests and exams, such as mammograms, blood pressure, colonoscopy, and bone scan, along with the desired frequency of the test.
Made in USA
Available in the following versions:
- 20" x 26" heavy weight paper laminated with grommets at top corners ISBN 9780781773133
- 20" x 26" heavy weight paper ISBN 9780781773126
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (ACC)
Publication date: October, 2007
Pages: None
Weight: 0g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Anatomy, Endocrinology, General Issues, General Practice, Obstetrics and Gynaecology