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Main description:
Tender-hearted and inspiring, Your Script for Hope is a reliable guide to navigate a difficult time.
Petra U. Frese helps people who have received a devastating, ultimate diagnosis through this uncertain time with self-determination and love. In Your Script for Hope, Petra pulls from her experience as a scientist and hypnotherapist and years of coaching clients in the USA and Europe to guide those out of despair and into a place of comfort. Within Your Script for Hope, readers are counseled on how to:
Calm their fears about death so they don't keep you up at night anymore
Master their physical and emotional pain so that they don't miss out on the joys of life any longer
Awaken their self-healing powers and work their wonders so that they are not stuck in despair
Take back the reins on their life so that they don't feel overrun by others
Prepare for a peaceful transition so that they don't lose their dignity and love
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing llc
Publication date: April, 2020
Pages: 196
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Complementary Medicine