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Series: ABC Series
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Main description:

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a progressive, largely irreversible lung condition characterised by airflow obstruction. Although cigarette smoking is the single most important risk factor in its development, other associations and risk factors are thought to have increasing relevance throughout the world. COPD is usually managed in primary care, although it is commonly under–diagnosed, and is one of the most common medical conditions necessitating admission to hospital.

The second edition of the ABC of COPD provides the entire multidisciplinary team with a reliable, up–to–date and accessible account of COPD. Extensively updated by experienced clinicians – including new chapters on spirometry, inhalers, oxygen, death, dying and end of life issues – this ABC is an authoritative and practical guide for general practitioners, practice nurses, specialist nurses, medical students, paramedical staff, junior doctors, non–specialist doctors and all other health professionals working in both primary and secondary care.

Back cover:

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a progressive, largely irreversible lung condition characterised by airflow obstruction. Although cigarette smoking is the single most important risk factor in its development, other associations and risk factors are thought to have increasing relevance throughout the world. COPD is usually managed in primary care, although it is commonly under–diagnosed, and is one of the most common medical conditions necessitating admission to hospital.

The second edition of the ABC of COPD provides the entire multidisciplinary team with a reliable, up–to–date and accessible account of COPD. Extensively updated by experienced clinicians – including new chapters on spirometry, inhalers, oxygen, death, dying and end of life issues – this ABC is an authoritative and practical guide for general practitioners, practice nurses, specialist nurses, medical students, paramedical staff, junior doctors, non–specialist doctors and all other health professionals working in both primary and secondary care.


Contributors vii

Foreword viii
Peter J. Barnes

1 Definition Epidemiology and Risk Factors 1
Graham S. Devereux

2 Pathology and Pathogenesis 6
William MacNee

3 Diagnosis 12
Graeme P. Currie and Mahendran Chetty

4 Spirometry 17
David Bellamy

5 Smoking Cessation 22
John Britton

6 Non–pharmacological Management 26
Graeme P. Currie and Graham Douglas

7 Pharmacological Management (I) Inhaled Treatment 32
Graeme P. Currie and Brian J. Lipworth

8 Pharmacological Management (II) Oral Treatment 38
Graeme P. Currie and Brian J. Lipworth

9 Inhalers 43
Graeme P. Currie and Graham Douglas

10 Oxygen 49
Graham Douglas and Graeme P. Currie

11 Exacerbations 53
Graeme P. Currie and Jadwiga A. Wedzicha

12 Non–invasive Ventilation 59
Paul K. Plant and Graeme P. Currie

13 Primary Care 64
Cathy Jackson

14 Death Dying and End–of–Life Issues 68
Gordon Linklater

15 Future Treatments 72
Peter J. Barnes

Index 77


ISBN-13: 9781444333886
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd (Wiley–Blackwell)
Publication date: December, 2010
Pages: 88
Dimensions: 221.00 x 274.00 x 5.28
Weight: 288g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders, Respiratory Medicine


Graeme P. Currie is a Consultant Respiratory Physician at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary

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