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Main description:
Prehospital Emergency Medicine (PHEM) is a new and evolving field within Prehospital Care and involves the delivery of safe prehospital critical care to seriously ill or injured patients, and safe transfer to or between hospitals. It covers a broad range of medical and traumatic conditions, interventions, clinical providers and physical environments. ABC of Prehospital Emergency Medicine is the first text to provide a comprehensive overview of this field and with an international team of expert authors is essential reading to anyone involved in the delivery of Prehospital Emergency Medicine and Prehospital Care. This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from iTunes, Google Play or the MedHand Store.
Contributor list vii Foreword xi Preface xiii 1 Prehospital Emergency Medicine 1 Matthew Boylan and Tim Nutbeam 2 Activation and Deployment 3 Andrew Thurgood and Matthew Boylan 3 Personal Protective Equipment 7 Clare Bosanko and Matthew Boylan 4 Scene Safety and Assessment 13 Vic Calland and Pete Williams 5 The Primary Survey 18 Tim Nutbeam and Matthew Boylan 6 Airway Assessment and Management 20 Marten Sandberg Anders Rostrup Nakstad Peter Anthony Berlac Per Kristian Hyldmo and Matthew Boylan 7 Breathing Assessment and Management 27 Per Kristian Hyldmo Peter Anthony Berlac Anders Rostrup Nakstad Marten Sandberg and Matthew Boylan 8 Circulation Assessment and Management 35 R. J. Dawes and Matthew Boylan 9 Prehospital Anaesthesia 44 Tim Hooper and David Lockey 10 Prehospital Analgesia and Sedation 51 Jonathan Hulme 11 Prehospital Monitoring 57 Tim Harris and Peter Shirley 12 Prehospital Ultrasound 63 Tim Harris Adam Bystrzycki and Stefan Mazur 13 Trauma: Head Injury 70 Jeremy Henning and Clare Hammell 14 Trauma: Spinal Injuries 75 Lucas A. Myers Christopher S. Russi Matthew Boylan and Tim Nutbeam 15 Trauma: Abdominal Injury 81 Keith Roberts 16 Trauma: Pelvic Injury 84 Matt O Meara Keith Porter and Tim Nutbeam 17 Trauma: Extremity Injury 87 Matt O Meara Keith Porter and Tim Nutbeam 18 Trauma: Burns 90 Alex Jones Anna Barnard and Keith Allison 19 Trauma: Suspension and Crush 98 Jason van derVelde 20 Trauma: Ballistic and Blast 103 Matthew Boylan 21 Trauma: Extrication of the Trapped Patient 110 Malcolm Q. Russell 22 Cardiac Arrest 118 Walter Kloeck Efraim Kramer Martin Botha and David Kloeck 23 Acute Medical Emergencies 126 Adam Low and Tim Nutbeam 24 Environmental Injuries 134 Peter Aitken Mark Little Ian Norton and Andrew Pearce 25 Environmental: Altitude Injury 141 Harvey Pynn 26 Environmental: Drowning and Near Drowning 144 Tim Nutbeam 27 Environmental: Diving Emergencies 146 Tudor A. Codreanu 28 Care of Special Groups: The Obstetric Patient 150 Kristyn Manley Tracy-Louise Appleyard Tim Draycott and Matthew Boylan 29 Care of Special Groups: The Paediatric Patient 159 Fiona Jewkes and Julian Sandell 30 Care of Special Groups: The Elderly Patient 165 Tim Nutbeam 31 Care of Special Groups: The Bariatric Patient 168 Lynn Gerber Smith Suzanne Sherwood Anna Fergusson and Dennis Jones 32 Retrieval and Transport 172 Peter Aitken Mark Elcock Neil Ballard and Matt Hooper 33 Emergency Preparedness: Major Incident Management 179 Damian Keene Tim Nutbeam and Claire Scanlon 34 Emergency Preparedness: Chemical Biological Radiation and Nuclear Incidents 185 Christopher A. Kahn Kristi L. Koenig and Matthew Boylan 35 Emergency Preparedness: Mass Gatherings 190 Lee Wallis and Wayne Smith 36 Clinical Governance 195 Assiah Mahmood and Rod Mackenzie 37 Medicolegal and Ethical Aspects of Prehospital Emergency Medicine 201 Craig M. Klugman and Jennifer Bard 38 Research and Development in Prehospital Emergency Medicine 206 Suzanne Mason and A. Niroshan Siriwardena Index 209
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd (John Wiley & Sons Inc)
Publication date: September, 2013
Pages: 120
Weight: 676g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Accident & Emergency Medicine, Diseases and Disorders
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