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Main description:
This new edition of Occupational and Environmental Medicine concentrates more on the newer kinds of occupational disease including those (like RSI and pesticide poisoning) where exposure and effects are difficult to understand. There is specific emphasis on work, health and wellbeing, with links to public health, health promotion, the value of work, disabled people at work, the aging workforce, vocational rehabilitation, evidence based practice, and further chapters on the health effects of climate change and of occupational health and safety in relation to migration and terrorism.
Contributors vii Preface ix 1 Hazards of Work 1 David Snashall 2 HealthWork and Wellbeing 7 Nerys Williams 3 Assessing theWork Environment 11 Keith T. Palmer and David Coggon 4 Practising Occupational Health 17 Anil Adisesh 5 Legal Aspects 24 Martyn Davidson 6 Ethics 31 Paul Litchfield 7 Fitness for Work 36 William Davies 8 Musculoskeletal Disorders 45 Kim Burton and Nicholas Kendall 9 Mental Health 51 Samuel B. Harvey and Max Henderson 10 Skin Disorders 59 Ian R. White 11 Respiratory Disorders 63 Ira Madan and Paul Cullinan 12 Infections 68 Dipti Patel 13 Occupational Cancers 80 John Hobson 14 Disorders of Uncertain Aetiology 88 Andy Slovak 15 Physical Agents 94 Ron McCaig 16 Ergonomics and Human Factors 107 Joanne O. Crawford 17 Genetics and Reproduction 113 Nicola Cherry 18 The AgeingWorkforce 117 Sarah Harper 19 Travel 122 Derek R. Smith Peter A. Leggat and Dipti Patel 20 Emerging Issues 129 Judy Sng and David Koh 21 Pollution 135 Robert Maynard 22 Global Health 140 Paolo Vineis Index 149
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd (Wiley-Blackwell (an imprint of John Wiley & Sons Ltd))
Publication date: December, 2012
Pages: 168
Weight: 476g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders, General Issues
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