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Mechanisms and Treatment
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Main description:

Advances in itch research have elucidated differences between itch and pain but have also blurred the distinction between them. There is a long debate about how somatic sensations including touch, pain, itch, and temperature sensitivity are encoded by the nervous system. Research suggests that each sensory modality is processed along a fixed, direct-line communication system from the skin to the brain.

Itch: Mechanisms and Treatment presents a timely update on all aspects of itch research and the clinical treatment of itch that accompanies many dermatological conditions including psoriasis, neuropathic itch, cutaneous t-cells lymphomas, and systemic diseases such as kidney and liver disease and cancer.

Composed of contributions from distinguished researchers around the world, the book explores topics such as:

Neuropathic itch

Peripheral neuronal mechanism of itch

The role of PAR-2 in neuroimmune communication and itch

Mrgprs as itch receptors

The role of interleukin-31 and oncostatin M in itch and neuroimmune communication

Spinal coding of itch and pain

Spinal microcircuits and the regulation of itch

Examining new findings on cellular and molecular mechanisms, the book is a compendium of the most current research on itch, its prevalence in society, and the problems associated with treatment.


Itch Hypotheses: From Pattern to Specificity and to Population Coding. Epidemiology of Itch. Atopic Dermatitis. Clinical Aspects of Itch: Psoriasis. Pruritus in Renal Disease. Pruritus of Cholestasis. Neuropathic Itch. Pruritus in Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphomas. Pruriceptors. Peripheral Neuronal Mechanism of Itch 1: Histamine and Itch. Role of PAR-2 in Neuroimmune Communication and Itch. Mrgprs as Itch Receptors. Role of Interleukin-31 and Oncostatin M in Itch and Neuroimmune Communication. Toll-Like Receptors and Itch. Lipid Mediators and Itch. The Role of Transient Receptor Potential Channels in Acute and Chronic Itch. Sensitization of Itch Signaling 2: Itch Sensitization-Nerve Growth Factor, Semaphorins. Peripheral Opioids. Spinal Coding of Itch and Pain. Spinal Microcircuits and the Regulation of Itch. Itch Modulation by VGLUT2-Dependent Glutamate Release from Somatic Sensory Neurons. Ascending Pathways for Itch. The Brain Processing of Itch and Scratching. Central Nervous Processing of Itch and Pain. Roles of Central Opioid Receptor Subtypes in Regulating Itch Sensation. Sensitization for Itch. Index.


ISBN-13: 9781466505438
Publisher: Taylor & Francis (CRC Press Inc)
Publication date: February, 2014
Pages: 672
Weight: 840g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Dermatology, Neuroscience
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