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The Dynamic Synapse
Molecular Methods in Ionotropic Receptor Biology
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Main description:

Exploring the diverse tools and technologies used to study synaptic processes, The Dynamic Synapse: Molecular Methods in Ionotropic Receptor Biology delineates techniques, methods, and conceptual advances for studying neurotransmitter receptors and other synaptic proteins. It describes a broad range of molecular, biochemical, imaging, and electrophysiological approaches for studying the biology of synapses.

Specific topics include the use of proteomics to study synaptic protein complexes, the development of phosphorylation state specific antibodies, post-genomic tools applied to the study of synapses and RNA interference in neurons. In addition, several chapters focus on methods for gene and protein delivery into neuronal tissue. The use of biochemical, electrophysiological and optical tagging techniques to study the movement and membrane trafficking of neurotransmitter receptors in the membrane of live nerve cells are also discussed. To complement these approaches, the application of approaches for achieving long-term alterations in the genetic complement of neurons in vivo using viral vectors or homologous recombination of ES cells are also described.


Methods for Uncovering the Mechanisms of AMPA Receptor Trafficking. Long Term Plasticity at Inhibitory Synapses: A Phenomenon that Has Been Overlooked. New Tricks for an Old Dog: Proteomics of the PSD. Phosphorylation Site-Specific Antibodies as Research Tools in Studies of Native GABAA Receptors. Protein Palmitoylation by DHHC Protein Family. Studying the Subcellular Localization, Surface Stability and Endocytosis of Ionotropic Receptors by Antibody Labeling and Biotinylation Approaches. Visualization of AMPAR Trafficking and Surface Expression. The Dynamic Synapse in the Light of Receptor Dynamics. Receptor Dynamics at the Cell Surface Studied Using Functional Tagging. RNAi and Applications in Neurobiology. Methods for Transfecting and Transducing Neurons. Acute In Vivo Expression of Recombinant Proteins in Rat Brain Using Sindbis Virus. Lentivirus-Based Genetic Manipulations in Neurons In Viro. AMPA Receptor Phosphorylation in Synaptic Plasticity: Insights from Knockin Mice. Genomic and Post-Genomic Tools for Studying Synapse Biology.


ISBN-13: 9780849318917
Publisher: Taylor & Francis (CRC Press Inc)
Publication date: March, 2006
Pages: 336
Weight: 612g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Neurology, Neuroscience, Pharmacology
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