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Biology and Management of Lung Cancer
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Main description:

Lung cancer remains an extremely difficult neoplasm to treat effectively. A large part of our lack of success in dealing with these patients is related to our empiric therapeutic attempts. Slowly our basic understanding of the lung cancers is improving and techniques are becoming available to allow us to better understand the biology of these neoplasms. This volume reviews several areas of interest in regard to the biologic behavior and characteris of lung cancer. tics Chapters deal with the in vitro growth of small cell lung cancer, the inves tigation of growth factors in human lung cancer, the production of mono clonal antibodies against lung cancer and the application and potential use fulness of the human tumor cloning assay in lung cancer management. These avenues of investigation are likely to establish a more scientific basis on which more rational therapy can be designed. Carney and associates have established several continuous small cell lung cancer cell lines in their laboratory. The amine precursor uptake and decar boxylation (APUD) properties of this neoplasm have been confirmed by demonstrating the presence of neurosecretory granules and high levels of the APUD enzyme L-dopa decarboxylase. In addition, several new markers have been documented including bombesin, creatine-kinase BB and neuron specific enolase. These tumor products along with others may be useful serum markers in patients with small cell lung cancer.


1. The In Vitro Growth and Characterization of Small Cell Lung Cancer.- 2. Monoclonal Antibodies Against Human Lung Cancer: Potential Diagnostic and Therapeutic Use.- 3. Transforming Growth Factors (TGFs) and Human Lung Cancer Cells.- 4. Tumor Cloning Assay: Application and Potential Usefulness in Lung Cancer Management.- 5. Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation - Potential Usefulness in Lung Cancer Management.- 6. Diagnosis of Poorly Differentiated Carcinomas of the Lung.- 7. Morphologic Changes in Small Cell Lung Cancer.- 8. Lung Cancer Cachexia.- 9. The Neurophysins and Small Cell Lung Cancer.- 10. The Potential Role of Surgery in the Contemporary Combined Modality Management of Small Cell Anaplastic Lung Cancer.- 11. Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy of Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma.


ISBN-13: 9781461338512
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: October, 2011
Pages: 222
Weight: 373g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Oncology
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