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New Drugs, Concepts and Results in Cancer Chemotherapy
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The decade of the 1990s will see an increasing emphasis on the modulation of chemotherapeutic drug selectivity and in the 'lock and key' approach to new targets to control malignant proliferation. The contents of this volume appropriately reflect these scientific undercurrents. An emerging powerful tool of molecular pharmacology is described by Holcenberg and Wu. Manipulation of genetic expression by modification of messenger RNA is now within our reach, and the basic concepts are suc- cinctly reviewed as a primer on future biochemical engineering of new anti- cancer molecules. Another concept that appears to be worthy of further study in both experimental and clinical chemotherapy concerns obs'ervations on the modulation of activity by the nucleoside transport inhibitor, dipyri- damole. How potentiation of several anticancer drugs occurs has practical, as well as theoretical, ramifications, discussed by Goel and HowelL Finally, O'Dwyer and La Creta present a fresh look at sensitization of chemotherapy by the hypoxic radiosensitizer, SR-2731.


I. Concepts.- 1. Pharmacologic control of specific gene expression.- 2. Modulation of the activity of cancer chemotherapeutic agents by dipyridamole.- II. New drugs and modifiers.- 3. Pharmacology and clinical investigation of SR-2508 (etanidazole).- 4. Folate antimetabolites inhibitory to de novo purine synthesis.- 5. Taxol: A new agent active in melanoma and ovarian cancer.- 6. ICRF-187 (ADR-529) cardioprotection against anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity: Clinical and preclinical studies.- 7. Uroprotection in patients receiving cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide.- III. Disease targets.- 8. The role of progesterone receptors in meningioma.- 9. Combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy in small-cell lung cancer.- Addendum to Chapter 2.


ISBN-13: 9781461367284
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: September, 2012
Pages: 178
Weight: 284g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Oncology
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