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Early Neoplasias of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Endoscopic Diagnosis and Therapeutic Decisions
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Main description:

Early Neoplasias of the Gastrointestinal Tract: Endoscopic Diagnosis and Therapeutic Decisions is an update of the current standards and newest skills in diagnostic endoscopy for neoplastic lesions of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract. The volume defines strategies for detection and endoscopic assessment of small and minute early cancers and precursor lesions, including the endoscopic and endosonographic criteria for submucosal invasiveness. The book provides the knowledge in novel magnifying endoscopic analysis of early neoplasias fundamental to differential indication on snare mucosectomy, endoscopic submucosal dissection, or surgical/laparoscopic full-wall resection. Differential indications and contraindications for each technique are also specified.

Comprehensive and authored by internationally renowned experts in the field, Early Neoplasias of the Gastrointestinal Tract: Endoscopic Diagnosis and Therapeutic Decisions is a valuable resource that will improve the diagnostic skills of beginners as well as experienced endoscopists in endoscopic submucosal dissection.


Useful to both beginning gastrointestinal endoscopists and experienced interventional endoscopists

Features numerous color illustrations and photographs

Authored by internationally renowned experts in the field

Back cover:

Early Neoplasias of the Gastrointestinal Tract: Endoscopic Diagnosis and Therapeutic Decisions is an update of the current standards and newest skills in diagnostic endoscopy for neoplastic lesions of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract. The volume defines strategies for detection and endoscopic assessment of small and minute early cancers and precursor lesions, including the endoscopic and endosonographic criteria for submucosal invasiveness. The book provides the knowledge in novel magnifying endoscopic analysis of early neoplasias fundamental to differential indication on snare mucosectomy, endoscopic submucosal dissection, or surgical/laparoscopic full-wall resection. Differential indications and contraindications for each technique are also specified.

 Comprehensive and authored by internationally renowned experts in the field, Early Neoplasias of the Gastrointestinal Tract: Endoscopic Diagnosis and Therapeutic Decisions is a valuable resource that will improve the diagnostic skills of beginners as well as experienced endoscopists in endoscopic submucosal dissection.


A   General Principles of Endoscopy for Early Gastrointestinal Neoplasias  

1. Endoscopic Screening and Surveillance  -  Indications and Standards
Frieder Berr, Thierry Ponchon, Tsuneo Oyama     

2. Histopathology of Early Mucosal Neoplasias  -  Morphologic Carcinogenesis in the GI Tract
Daniel Neureiter, Tobias Kiesslich      

3. Principles of Endoscopic Resection  -  Diagnostic and Curative Resection of Mucosal Neoplasias
Tsuneo Oyama, Naohisa Yahagi       

4. Endoscopic Detection and Analysis of Mucosal Neoplastic Lesions - Enhanced Imaging and Tumor Morphology
Frieder Berr, Toshio Uraoka, Thierry Ponchon, Naohisa Yahagi  

5. High-resolution Endoscopic Ultrasound  -  Clinical T-staging of Mucosal Neoplasms
Yuichiro Kuroki, Toshio Uraoka, Gernot W. Wolkersdörfer   

B   Organ-specific Endoscopic Analysis of Early Neoplasias    

6. Squamous Cell-lined Esophagus and Hypopharynx  - Mucosal Neoplasias
Tsuneo Oyama         

7. Columnar Epithelium-lined (Barrett´s) Esophagus  -  Mucosal Neoplasias
Ralf Kiesslich         

8. Stomach  -  Mucosal Neoplasias
Tsuneo Oyama         

9. Duodenum and Small Bowel  -  Mucosal Neoplasias
Thierry Ponchon       

10. Colorectum  -  Mucosal Neoplasias
Frieder Berr, Toshio Uraoka, Naohisa Yahagi     

11. Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Remission -  Mucosal Neoplasias
Ralf Kiesslich         


ISBN-13: 9781461482918
Publisher: Springer (Springer US)
Publication date: July, 2014
Pages: 246
Weight: 611g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Gastroenterology, Gastrointestinal/colorectal, General, Oncology, Radiology, Surgical Techniques


Frieder Berr, MD
Paracelsus Medical University, Department of Internal Medicine I, Salzburg, Austria

Tsuneo Oyama, MD, PhD
Saku Central Hospital Advanced Care Center, Saku, Nagano, Japan

Thierry Ponchon, MD
Hôpital Herriot, Specialités Digestives, Lyon, France

Naohisa Yahagi, MD
Keio University School of Medicine, Division of R&D for Minor Invasive Treatment, Cancer Center, Tokyo, Japan


Average Rating 

From the book reviews:

“This book focuses on the early endoscopic diagnosis of gastrointestinal neoplasias and the associated endoscopic treatment options. … This book is written for general gastroenterologists as well as therapeutic endoscopists. … The book will be useful for anyone, trainees or experienced endoscopists, involved in the diagnosis and screening of patients for GI cancers. … This well-written book is an excellent resource for practicing therapeutic gastroenterologists.” (Kevin Webb, Doody’s Book Reviews, November, 2014)