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Main description:
This fully updated second edition presents theory, research, and practice guidelines for short-term, evidence-based individual treatment for adults experiencing the effects of complex relational trauma.
Clients with complex trauma often suffer long-term challenges as a result of repeated exposure to violence and betrayals of trust, frequently in relationships with attachment figures in the form of child abuse and neglect. Emotion-focused therapy for trauma is well-suited to address these difficulties.
Introduction to EFTT: Development, Defining Features, Strengths, and Contributions
I. Theory
Chapter 1. Trauma and its Effects
Definition of Trauma
Types of Traumatic Events
Prevalence and Risk Factors
Effects of Trauma
Implications for Treatment
Chapter 2. The EFTT Treatment Model
Theoretical Foundations
Distinguishing Features of EFTT
Distinctions Between EFTT and the General Model of Emotion-Focused Therapy
The Treatment Model
Chapter 3. Working with Emotion
Review of Emotion Theory Underlying EFTT
Change Processes: Emotional Processing in EFTT
Model of Change and Phases Of EFTT
II. Practice
Early Phase of Therapy
Chapter 4. Cultivating the Alliance
Intervention Principles for Developing a Productive Alliance
Goals of Alliance Formation in Phase 1 Of EFTT
Conducting the First Three Sessions
Alliance Difficulties
Chapter 5. Promoting Experiencing
Features of Experiencing
EFTT Compared With Other Perspectives on Experiencing
Experiencing Compared to Other Constructs
Measurement of Experiencing
Research on Experiencing in Therapy
The Process of Deepening Experiencing Step-By-Step
Guidelines for Structured Focusing Procedure
Difficulties With Experiencing
Chapter 6. The Imaginal Confrontation Procedure
Imaginal Confrontation of Perpetrators
Intervention Principles
The Process of Engagement in Imaginal Confrontation
Steps in the Imaginal Confrontaion Procedure and Corresponding Therapist Operations
Relationship Development in the Initial Imaginal Confrontation
"Evocative Exploration" as an Alternative to Imaginal Confrontation
Client Difficulties With the Initial Imaginal Confrontation
Middle Phase of Therapy
Chapter 7. Memory Work in EFTT
Different Approaches to Memory Work
Goals and Processes of Memory Work In EFTT
Practice Guidelines for EFTT Memory Work
Memory Work When Memories are Shallow
Memories Are Warded Off
Memories of Self as Defective or Damaged
Summary, Considerations, and Cautions
Chapter 8. Reducing Fear, Anxiety, and Avoidance of Internal Experience
Perspectives on Fear, Anxiety, and Avoidance: EFTT Compared With Other Approaches
Process Diagnosis: Distinguishing Different Types of Fear and Anxiety
Change Processes and Goals
Interventions for Managing Anxiety and Fear
Helping Clients Allow Primary Emotional Experience
Chapter 9. Transforming Guilt, Shame, and Self-Blame
Perspectives on Guilt and Shame: EFTT Compared With Other Approaches
Process Diagnosis: Distinguishing Different Types of Shame Experience
Change Processes and Goals
Intervention Principles Relevant to Shame
Interventions for Reducing Secondary Shame
Intervention for Primary Adaptive Shame About Violating One's Own Personal Standards
Intervention for Transforming Primary Maladaptive Shame
Compassionate Self-Soothing
Difficulties When Working With Fear and Shame
Late Phase of Therapy
Chapter 10. Resolution of Interpersonal Trauma Through Adaptive Anger
Review of Theory and Research on the Resolution of Interpersonal Trauma
Anger and Trauma Across Theoretical Perspectives
Process Diagnosis: Distinguishing Different Types of Anger
Intervention Principles
Interventions for Changing Maladaptive Anger
Intervention for Promoting Primary Adaptive Anger
Chapter 11. Resolution of Interpersonal Trauma Through Sadness and Grief
Traumatic Grief Across Theoretical Perspectives
Process Diagnosis: Distinguishing Different Types of Sadness
Change Processes and Goals
Intervention Principles for Promoting Adaptive Sadness
Interventions for Promoting Sadness and Grieving Losses
Intervention for Other Types of Sadness
Chapter 12. Termination
Completion and Consolidation of Changes
Awareness and Acceptance of Limited Change
Sharing Mutual Feedback
Difficulties With Resolution
Difficulties With Therapy Termination
Bridge to The Future
Appendix A: Short Form of the Client Experiencing Scale
Appendix B: Short Form of the Working Alliance Inventory
Appendix C: The Degree of Resolution Scale (Short Form)
Appendix D: Yoga Therapy as Complement to EFTT: Integrating Body-Based Intervention
About the Authors
Publisher: Eurospan (American Psychological Association)
Publication date: January, 2023
Pages: 314
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Psychology, Psychotherapy, Rehabilitation