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Essential Revision Notes in Clinical Neurology
Series: MasterPass
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Main description:

Neurological disorders account for 10% of consultations in primary care and 20% of acute hospital admissions, yet there is good evidence that 'neurophobia' is common among medical students lost in unnecessary detail. This has led to neurology's long-established reputation as a difficult subject. This book is the antidote to neurophobia. It is divided into four sections: Section I introduces the reader to clinical neurology by summarising the basic aspects of a neurological consultation including history and examination; Section II covers neurological signs related to cranial nerves, motor and sensory system and peripheral nerve lesions; Section III comprises the major and common diseases such as headache, epilepsy, stroke, Parkinson's disease and Multiple sclerosis; and Section IV addresses other main neurological problems. The scope of this book is limited to only the most fundamental principles and omits all superfluous detail - ideal for medical students needing a concise introduction to neurology and an overview for revision.


Section I: Intoduction to Clinical Neurology. The Neurological consultation. History. Basic neuroanatomy. Mental state examination. Examination of the speech. Cranial nerves examination. Upper limbs examination. Lower limbs examination. Points to remember. Sensory examination. Gait examination. Neurological investigations. Section II: Neurological signs. Cranial nerve disorders. Common neurological patterns. Peripheral nerve lesions. Coma (unconsciousness). Section III: Neurological problems and diseases; the Big Five. Headache. Epilepsy. Stroke. Parkinson's disease. Multiple sclerosis. Section IV: Neurological problems and diseases; Others. Infections of the central nervous system. Guillain-Barré syndrome. Myasthenia gravis. Motor neurone disease. Dementia. Intracranial tumours. Head injury. Other neurological disorders.


ISBN-13: 9781846195297
Publisher: Taylor & Francis (CRC Press)
Publication date: August, 2011
Pages: 152
Weight: 1g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Practice
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