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The Finalists Guide to Passing the OSCE
Clinical Examinations and Procedures
Series: MasterPass
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Main description:

Performing well in the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) requires sound medical knowledge and a systematic approach to clinical examination. It is the most daunting assessment for medical students - they are expected to take full and accurate medical histories, perform structured and comprehensive clinical examinations, and display competence and dexterity when performing procedures. They must also demonstrate interest and enthusiasm towards their patients, and show empathy when appropriate. This book will help you to focus on key point scoring areas, learn golden rules for each examination and avoid pitfalls, potential disasters and common mistakes. It provides essential details on structure and approach, without weighing you down - its handy size means you can use it at the bedside, on the ward, or whilst observing other students examining a patient. The best practice methods for approaching patients at each station will ensure that you'll have the confidence to impress examiners.


Examinations. The cardiovascular examination. The respiratory examination. The gastrointestinal examination. The cranial nerves examination. The peripheral nervous system examination. Examining lumps and bumps. The breast examination. The thyroid examination. The vascular examination. The gals examination. The hip and knee examination. The shoulder and elbow examination. The digital rectal examination. Procedures. Venesection. Cannulation. Arterial blood gas sampling. Male urethral catheterization. Ophthalmoscopy. Otoscopy. Blood pressure measurement. Nasogastric tube insertion. Peak expiratory flow rate measurement. Inhaler technique. Suturing. Blood transfusion.


ISBN-13: 9781846193125
Publisher: Radcliffe Publishing Ltd
Publication date: August, 2009
Pages: 194
Weight: 406g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General Practice, Medical Study and Teaching Aids
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