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A Guide to Passing the DO-HNS and MRCS (ENT) OSCE
Series: MasterPass
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Main description:

This full-colour guide covers all aspects of the DO-HNS OSCE. Written by ENT trainees and a DO-HNS examiner, the easily accessible text closely follows the format of the actual exam. Following a step-by-step approach, each test OSCE station is based on past questions, and particularly emphasises the examination, communication and picture stations. It is highly recommended for candidates of the DO-HNS as well as current ENT and surgical trainees, GPs wishing to refresh their knowledge of common ENT problems and those with a special interest in ENT. Finally, it is an invaluable resource for medical students undertaking their ENT attachment and in preparation for final examinations.


Foreword. About the authors. About the publisher. Acknowledgments. Abbreviations. Preface. About the DO-HNS OSCE and tips on passing. History stations. Olfactory dysfunction. Nosebleeds in adults. Nosebleeds in children. Dry mouth. Lump in the throat. Hoarse voice. Catarrh and post-nasal drip. Tinnitus. Child with recurrent ear infections. Facial weakness. Septal perforation. Hearing loss in a child. Adult with itchy, painful ear. Adult with non-acute hearing loss. Adult with sudden hearing loss. Otalgia. Nasal crusting. Dizziness. Neck lump. Examination stations. Examination of the ear. Examination of the nose. Examination of the neck. Examination of the oral cavity. Flexible nasendoscopy. Communication skills stations. Consent. Grommets. Functional endscopic sinus surgery (FESS). Septoplasty. Panedoscopy and microlaryngoscopy. Myringoplasty. Parotid surgery. Submandibular surgery. Explanation. Breaking bad news. Discharge letter. Operation note. Data and picture interpretation stations. Index.


ISBN-13: 9781846195723
Publisher: Taylor & Francis (CRC Press)
Publication date: January, 2012
Pages: 224
Weight: 1g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Practice, Medical Study and Teaching Aids, Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
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