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Frailty in Older Adults with Cancer
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Main description:

This book summarizes evidence on frailty and ageing, how this may impact patient outcomes and how frailty can be assessed, managed and incorporated in the decision-making process for older patients with cancer. The book aims to: empower clinical teams to assess and support older cancer patients with frailty, ideally within a multidisciplinary setting; and to improve the selection of older cancer patients to the most appropriate management/treatment strategies in order to improve the outcomes of this group of patients often underrepresented in research.

The reader will learn the methods available for assessing frailty, such as screening tools, but also how to perform different geriatric assessments covering the different key components (physical, nutritional, social, psychological, etc.). The book also provides information on how to manage and intervene on frailty with the role of pre-habilitation and re-habilitation, how to set-up specialised teams and pathways within one's hospital and community for these older cancer patients with frailty. Finally, the management of this challenging group of patients according to the cancer type is discussed in detail, alongside with mapping the unmet research needs and future directions in this field.


1. Introduction to frailty in older adults with cancer2. Global action and policies in older adults with cancer and frailty3. Frailty screening and comprehensive geriatric assessment4. Cognitive impairment in older adults with cancer and frailty5. Psychosocial dimension in older adults with cancer and frailty6. Comorbidity and polypharmacy in older adults with cancer and frailty7. Malnutrition, cachexia and sarcopenia in older adults with cancer and frailty8. Physical performance and functional status in older adults with cancer and frailty9. Prehabilitation and rehabilitation in older adults with cancer and frailty10. Holistic needs assessment and advance care planning in older adults with cancer and frailty11. Multidisciplinary onco-geriatric care models12. Decision-making process in older adults with cancer and frailty13. Perioperative care in older adults with cancer and frailty14. Radiotherapy and systemic anti-cancer treatment in older adults with cancer and frailty15. Palliative care in older adults with cancer and frailty16. Frailty research: the present and the future17. Breast cancer in older adults with frailty18. Non-small cell lung cancer in older adults with frailty19. Colorectal cancer in older adults with frailty20. Prostate cancer in older adults with frailty21. Renal cell carcinoma in older adults with frailty22. Cutaneous melanoma in older adults with frailty23. Gastroesophageal cancer in older adults with frailty24. Hepatopancreaticobiliary cancer in older adults with frailty25. Gynaecological cancer in older adults with frailty26. Head and neck cancer in older adults with frailty27. Hematological cancer in older adults with frailty


ISBN-13: 9783030891619
Publisher: Springer (Springer Nature Switzerland AG)
Publication date: February, 2022
Pages: None
Weight: 1020g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders, General, Geriatrics, Oncology, Oncology, Palliative Medicine


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