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Main description:
This clinically-oriented collection of brain imaging results provides a unique and helpful approach to the epilepsy evaluation.The atlas is divided into sections according to general clinical categories with each category including a collection of clinical examples that span the category. Each example includes images across the relevant imaging modalities that relate to one patient, whose history accompanies the images. This case-based organization with clinical history and multiple images offers a complete visual understanding of the imaging findings and the corresponding relationship of each finding to the clinical presentation, treatment, and outcome.
Images for the book are from the UCLA Seizure Disorder Center, which is a referral center that serves a large outpatient epilepsy patient population and performs approximately 500 inpatient epilepsy evaluations annually.
Comprehensive and richly illustrated, this book will serve as a convenient resource in neurologic and radiologic practice, and useful for board exam review.
Section 1: Hippocampal Sclerosis
Ch. 1: Mild, unilateral hippocampal sclerosis
Ch. 2: Moderate, unilateral hippocampal sclerosis
Ch. 3: Severe, unilateral hippocampal sclerosis
Ch. 4: Mild, bilateral hippocampal sclerosis
Ch. 5: Severe, bilateral hippocampal sclerosis
Ch. 6: Hippocampal sclerosis with normal MRI and abnormal PET
Section 2: Cerebral Malformations
Ch. 7: Focal cortical dysplasia, type I
Ch. 8: Focal cortical dysplasia, type IIa
Ch. 9: Focal cortical dysplasia, type IIb
Ch. 10: Focal cortical dysplasia, type IIIb
Ch. 11: Focal cortical dysplasia with the transmantle sign
Ch. 12: Focal cortical dysplasia with bottom of the sulcus abnormality
Ch. 13: Focal cortical dysplasia with gray-white junction blurring
Ch. 14: Focal cortical dysplasia with normal MRI and abnormal PET
Ch. 15: Focal cortical dysplasia of the temporal pole
Ch. 16: Focal cortical dysplasia of the amygdala
Ch. 17: Diffuse periventricular heterotopia
Ch. 18: Multifocal periventricular heterotopia
Ch. 19: Band heterotopia
Ch. 20: Heterotopia within cerebral white matter
Ch. 21: Polymicrogyria without schizencephaly
Ch. 22: Polymicrogyria with closed lip schizencephaly
Ch. 23: Polymicrogyria with open lip schizencephaly
Ch. 24: Lissencephaly
Ch. 25: Hemimegalencephaly
Ch. 26: Hemimegalencephaly of the cerebrum
Ch. 27: Encephalocele
Ch. 28: Encephalocele after surgical repair
Section 3: Trauma
Ch. 29: Temporal lobe trauma
Ch. 30: Frontal lobe trauma
Ch. 31: Bilateral cerebral trauma
Ch. 32: Multilobar cerebral trauma
Section 4: Infection and Inflammation
Ch. 33: Acute herpes encephalitis
Ch. 34: Remote herpes encephalitis
Ch. 35: Acute neurocysticercosis
Ch. 36: Remote neurocysticercosis
Ch. 37: GAD65 autoimmune limbic encephalitis
Ch. 38: Voltage gated potassium channel autoimmune limbic encephalitis
Ch. 39: NMDA receptor autoimmune encephalitis
Ch. 40: Hashimoto Encephalopathy also known as Steroid-Responsive Encephalopathy associated with Autoimmune Thyroiditis (SREAT)
Ch. 41: Early Stage Rasmussen's Encephalitis
Ch. 42: Late Stage Rasmussen's Encephalitis
Section 5: Vascular Abnormalities
Ch. 43: Cavernous Malformation with Acute Hemorrhage
Ch. 44: Cavernous Malformation with Resolving Hemorrhage
Ch. 45: Cavernous Malformation with Developmental Venous Anomaly
Ch. 46: Multiple Cavernous Malformations
Ch. 47: Arteriovenous Malformation
Ch. 48: Ischemic Infarction
Ch. 49: Porencephaly
Ch. 50: Sturge-Weber Syndrome in an Infant
Ch. 51: Sturge-Weber Syndrome in a Child
Ch. 52: Sturge-Weber Syndrome in an Adult
Section 6: Tumors
Ch. 53: Astrocytoma
Ch. 54: Oligodendroglioma
Ch. 55: Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumor
Ch. 56: Ganglioglioma of the Mesial Temporal Lobe
Ch. 57: Ganglioglioma of the Lateral Temporal Lobe
Ch. 58: Hamartoma
Ch. 59: Meningioma
Section 7: Tuberous Sclerosis
Ch. 60: Tubers of Tuberous Sclerosis
Ch. 61: Subependymal Nodules of Tuberous Sclerosis
Ch. 62: Subependymal Giant Cell Astrocytoma of Tuberous Sclerosis
Section 8: Non-epileptogenic Findings
Ch. 63: Hippocampal Atrophy
Ch. 64: Incomplete Hippocampal Inversion
Ch. 65: Developmental Venous Anomaly
Ch. 66: Arachnoid Cyst
Ch. 67: Epidermoid cyst
Ch. 68: Cerebellar Atrophy
Ch. 69: Splenium Signal Abnormality
Ch. 70: Status Epilepticus due to Epilepsy
Ch. 71: Status Epilepticus due to Inflammation
Ch. 72: Status Epilepticus due to Stroke
Section 9: Treatment Related
Ch. 73: Anterior Temporal Lobe Resection
Ch. 74: Focal Cortical Resection
Ch. 75: Focal Cortical Resection and Extension
Ch. 76: Hemispherotomy
Ch. 77: Hemispherectomy
Ch. 78: Complete Corpus Callosotomy
Ch. 79: Anterior Corpus Callosotomy
Ch. 80: Stereotactic Thermal Ablation - Hypothalamic Hamartoma
Ch. 81: Stereotactic Thermal Ablation - Heterotopia
Ch. 82: Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Ch. 83: Vagus Nerve Stimulator
Ch. 84: Responsive Neurostimulator
Ch. 85: Deep Brain Stimulator
Publisher: Springer (Springer Nature Switzerland AG)
Publication date: January, 2023
Pages: 389
Weight: 1216g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Neurology, Neurosurgery, Radiology