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Inside Out and Outside In
Psychodynamic Clinical Theory and Psychopathology in Contemporary Multicultural Contexts
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Main description:

Inside Out and Outside In has established itself as a foundational book for mental health practitioners in a variety of disciplines who work with clients in complex social environments. It is unique in its focus on the forces that shape people from within and also from their social worlds, with sensitivity to race, gender, sexuality, and class.

The fourth edition features new material and revisions throughout while maintaining the respectful and accessible style for which the book is known. A new chapter on DSM-5 explains its history, social construction, and the most significant changes, such as the configurations of personality disorders and schizophrenia. A new chapter on Cognitive Behavioral Theory and Practice explains the rise in CBT practice, strengths and weaknesses in the approach, and how practitioners can weave it with other theories successfully. In addition to the new chapters, this edition contains new content on gay, lesbian, and transgender people; new case studies representing differences in age, class, culture, race, sexual orientation, and gender; examples on treating clients individually and in groups; new material on infant development; new research on neurobiology and mindfulness, such as mindfulness and survivor guilt; and more.

The fourth edition of Inside Out and Outside In is an up-to-date and essential resource for mental health professionals and students practicing in today's increasingly complex environment.



1. Why Psychodynamic Theories? Why a Biopsychosocial Context?
Joan Berzoff, Laura Melano Flanagan, and Patricia Hertz

2. Drive and Beyond: Freud's Psychoanalytic Concepts
Joan Berzoff

3. Structural Theory
Gerald Schamess

4. Ego Psychology
Gerald Schamess and Robert Shilkret

5. Psychosocial Ego Development: The Theory of Erik Erikson
Joan Berzoff

6. Object Relations Theory
Laura Melano Flanagan

7. The Theory of Self Psychology
Laura Melano Flanagan

8. Attachment Theory
Robert Shilkret and Cynthia J. Shilkret

9. Utilizing Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions in Psychodynamic Practice
Terry B. Northcut, Nina R. Heller, and Shveta Kumaria

10. Relational and Intersubjective Theories
Joan Berzoff

11. Psychodynamic Theories and Gender
Joan Berzoff

12. Coloring Development: Race and Culture in Psychodynamic Theories
Lourdes Mattei and Brian Rasmussen

13. The Bridge: From Theory to Practice
Joan Berzoff, Laura Melano Flanagan, and Patricia Hertz

14. DSM-5 and the Role of Descriptive Diagnosis
David S. Byers

15. The Psychoses, with a Special Emphasis on Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
Patricia Hertz

16. Personality Disorders, with a Special Emphasis on Borderline and Narcissistic Syndromes
Patricia Hertz and Meg Hertz

17. Mood Disorders, with a Special Emphasis on Depression and Bipolar Disorder
Joan Berzoff and Teresa Mendez

18. Anxiety and Its Manifestations
Joan Berzoff

19. Trauma Theories and Disorders
Kathryn Basham

20. Final Thoughts
Joan Berzoff, Laura Melano Flanagan, and Patricia Hertz


About the Contributors


ISBN-13: 9781442236837
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
Publication date: March, 2016
Pages: 528
Dimensions: 152.00 x 237.00 x 26.00
Weight: 776g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Psychology, Psychotherapy


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