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Oxford Handbook of General Practice and Oxford Handbook of Occupational Health Pack
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Two titles from the bestselling Oxford Handbook series are available together in this great value pack.

Fully revised to reflect the new changes to the GP contract and the GP curriculum, this fourth edition of the best-selling Oxford Handbook of General Practice is a practical guide to all aspects of general practice; from vital clinical information, to valuable practical guidance from experienced GPs. This is the essential guide for all those working in general practice.

Comprehensively covering everything a doctor needs to work in, or manage a GP practice, this handbook ensures readers are always up-to-date with the latest guidelines, the most recent protocols, and cutting-edge clinical information. With concise, bullet-point information the chapters are now colour-coded to ensure the reader can find vital emergency or clinical information without delay. Fully illustrated, and packed with even more figures, diagrams, management boxes, and tables to improve
ease-of-reference, the reader will always have the vital information they need at their fingertips.

Fully revised for this second edition, the Oxford Handbook of Occupational Health provides a concise practice-based guide. Bringing together the latest legislation and guidance with current practice in the field, this is your authoritative guide to assessing and managing health risks in the workplace.

Consisting of twelve sections covering the full breadth of practice, the Handbook includes workplace hazards and diseases, occupational health emergencies, and practical procedures. This second edition is also updated with new information on psychiatric emergencies, psychological therapies, chronic pain management, writing a policy, and obesity. Providing a thorough, easy-to-use guide to the whole of occupational health, this Handbook is the essential resource for all occupational physicians,
occupational health nurses, occupational hygienists, and all those dealing with workplace health and fitness, giving you the information you need at your fingertips.


ISBN-13: 9780198766322
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP Oxford)
Publication date: August, 2015
Pages: 2128
Weight: 1030g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Issues, General Practice
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