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Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia
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Main description:

Now on its fourth edition, the Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia provides authoritative, concise guidance on all aspects of anaesthesia. Evidence-based, up-to-date, and clinically-focused, it is indispensable for both anaesthetic trainees and experienced practitioners.

Building on the award-winning success of previous editions, the Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia is as relevant and important as ever. Fully revised with the latest guidelines, drugs, and procedures, this book ensures readers have the most up-to-date knowledge easily to hand. The fourth edition includes new content on obesity surgery, colloids vs crystalloids, and enhanced recovery, as well as intraoperative fluid management, new anticoagulants, BIS updates, pulse contour analysis, and
much more.

Wherever you are on your career path in anaesthesia, this handbook is your essential companion.


ISBN-13: 9780198719410
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP Oxford)
Publication date: January, 2016
Pages: 1280
Weight: 634g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Anaesthetics and Pain, Critical Care Medicine, General, Nursing
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Average Rating 

This edition goes above and beyond. . . it seems to have progressed from strength to strength. To summarize, the i Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia r offers an expansive volume of information in a clear, concise, easy-to-read manner. The text covers key concepts without getting too involved in the details, making it an excellent choice as a first text for medical students or junior residents interested in the specialty. I recommend this high-yield book for any learner who wants to build a foundation of knowledge in anaesthesiology.