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Oxford Handbook of Clinical Examination and Practical Skills and Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine Pack
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The ninth edition of the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine and the second edition of the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Examination and Practical Skills are bundled together in a pack that represents excellent value. These bestselling handbooks serve as the ultimate guide to the practice and philosophy of medicine and provide clear guidance on all aspects of history taking, physical examination, and practical procedures.

Now in its ninth edition, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine continues to be the definitive pocket-friendly guide to medicine. The culmination over 25 years of experience at the bedside and in the community, this handbook is packed with practical advice, wit, and wisdom.

The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine presents clinical information in a clear way that makes it easy to revise, remember, and implement on the ward. It gives reliable advice on what to do, when to do it, and how to do it, with clinical photographs and diagrams that bring theory to life. Uniquely for a medical text, this book weaves history, literature, art, and philosophy into its survey of medicine, casting new light on the specialties and encouraging the reader to see beyond the practical
aspects of medicine and adopt a patient-centred approach to care.

The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine looks better than ever, with a more modern design and over 600 colour images and illustrations. The History and Examination chapter has been completely revamped with systematic flowcharts and new illustrations so that it better reflects real bedside practice. The index, cross-references, and references have been overhauled to make them even easier to use. Every chapter has been written with supervision from experts in each field to ensure accuracy, and
updated to reflect relevant guidelines from the NHS, NICE, the Resuscitation Council and other key professional bodies.

Loved and trusted by generations of doctors, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine continues to be an indispensable companion for the practice of modern medicine.

Fully updated and revised for its second edition, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Examination and Practical Skills is the only truly comprehensive pocket guide to all aspects of history taking, physical examination, practical procedures, data interpretation, and communication skills. Packed with expert knowledge and practical guidance it gives realistic advice on coping with common situations.

The handbook is structured to allow rapid reference of key information, and to aid understanding with concise and practical clinical guidance. Full colour throughout, it includes over 140 detailed photographs and diagrams of all common examination skills to show you exactly what you need to do and the theory, practice and complications for each. More photos have been included, with over half completely new and specially produced for this edition. Each system chapter covers applied anatomy,
history, examination, and the presentation of common and important disorders. Data interpretation covers the basics of x-rays, ECGs and other key areas. A new chapter on the eyes is included along with the sections on body language and non-verbal communication, and the section on practical procedures has
been expanded. This handbook will help to ensure you have the confidence and skill to carry out an 'A' grade examination every time.


ISBN-13: 9780198758228
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP Oxford)
Publication date: August, 2015
Pages: 1692
Weight: 846g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders, General Issues, General Practice, Medical Study and Teaching Aids
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