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Programmed Cell Death in Protozoa
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Main description:

Under the name of programmed cell death (PCD) are included diverse molecular mechanism of cell suicide which play an essential role in the development of multicellular organisms. The best known PCD mechanism in multicellular organisms is called apoptosis. However, recent studies indicate that PCD is also present in protozoa and unicellular eukaryotes. The eleven chapters of this book give the reader a comprehensive update of the progress in the understanding of the mechanisms of PCD in protozoa. The chapters have been written by experts in this field of research and are arranged following an evolutionary point of view starting with PCD in protists and ending with PCD in ciliated protozoa.


A comprehensive update of the progress in the understanding of the mechanisms of PCD in protozoa

Chapters written by experts in this field of research


Programmed Cell Death in Protozoa: An Evolutionary Point of View. The Example of Kinetoplastid Parasites.- Programmed Cell Death in Protists without Mitochondria: The Missing Link.- Programmed Cell Death and Trypanosomatids: A Brief Review.- Programmed Cell Death in African Trypanosomes.- Molecular Analysis of Programmed Cell Death by DNA Topoisomerase Inhibitors in Kinetoplastid Parasite Leishmania.- DNA Metallo-Intercalators with Leishmanicidal Activity.- Programmed Cell Death during Malaria Parasite Infection of the Vertebrate Host and Mosquito Vector.- In Search of Atropos’ Scissors: Severing the Life-Thread of Plasmodium.- Cell Death in Trichomonads.- Programmed Cell Death and the Enteric Protozoan Parasite Blastocystis hominis: Perspectives and Prospects.- Programmed Cell Death in Dinoflagellates.- Programmed Nuclear Death and Other Apoptotic-Like Phenomena in Ciliated Protozoa.


ISBN-13: 9780387767161
Publisher: Springer (Springer New York)
Publication date: December, 2007
Pages: 163
Weight: 444g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Issues
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