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Subcellular Biochemistry
Ascorbic Acid: Biochemistry and Biomedical Cell Biology
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In Volume 25, leading experts present studies on the value of increased ascorbic acid intake and explore its specific contributions to human and animal health.


Introduction: Three Eras of Vitamin C Discovery; R.A. Jacob Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Ascorbic Acid Biosynthesis; M. Nishikimi, K. Yogi Role of Ascorbic Acid in Modulation of Gene Expression; K. Hitomi, N. Tsukagoshi Ascorbate and the Plasma Membrane: A New View of Cell Growth Control; J.N. Villalba, et al. Ascorbic Acid, Cell Proliferation and Differentiation in Culture; R. Brigelius-Flohe, L. Flohe Ascorbic Acid and Prostaglandin Synthesis; D.F. Horrobin, et al. Ascorbic Acid and Chronic Diseases: How Strong Is the Evidence? H. Boeing, E. Rausch Ascorbic Acid Transport and Availability; I. Elmadfa, J. Koenig Ascorbic Acid and Aging; G. Barja The Antihistame Action of Ascorbic Acid; C.S. Johnston Antiviral and Immunomodulatory Activities of Ascorbic Acid; R.J. Jariwalla, S. Harakeh Ascorbic Acid and Cancer; G. Shklar, J.L. Schwartz Ascorbic Acid and Connective Tissue; I.P. Ronchetti, et al. Ascorbic Acid: Protection of Lung Tissue against Damage; G.S. Maritz Vitamin C and Nervous Tissue: In vivo and in vitro Aspects; H. Katsuki Ascorbic Acid and the Eye; N.A. Delamere Ascorbic Acid and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease; S.N. Lynch, et al. Ascorbic Acid and Diabetes Mellitus; J.V. Hunt Protective Effects of Ascorbic Acid against Radiationinduced Clastogenesis; P.C. Kesavan, L. Sarma Index.


ISBN-13: 9781461379980
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: September, 2011
Pages: 468
Weight: 672g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Biochemistry
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