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The Hypnotic Use of Waking Dreams
Exploring Near-Death Experiences without the Flatlines
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Main description:

People who undergo near-death experiences often have profound and life changing experiences. It is as if the whole of their life has been put into perspective and they can see relationships, experiences, hopes and dreams in a completely new light. Clinical psychologist Paul W. Schenk shows you how you can help clients experience some of the life changing benefits of a near-death experience without the life-threatening cardiovascular crisis. With full length annotated case transcripts, you will learn how to do this and explore the many other things you can do with hypnotically facilitated waking dreams.

The therapeutic usefulness of dream interpretation is deeply rooted in psychotherapy. Good fiction can make for rich clinical material. The Hypnotic Uses of Waking Dreams bypasses the core problem associated with past life therapy, i.e. that if reincarnation doesn't exist, neither can past life therapy. It provides a much more traditional approach to understanding and utilizing the kinds of clinical experiences that occur with this interactive approach to hypnotically facilitated dream-like imagery. Dr Schenk integrates classic teachings on dream interpretation and trauma treatment with decades of published work on near-death experiences. The therapeutic use of waking dreams is independent of both the clinician's and the client's beliefs about reincarnation because the dream content can be understood as being just good fiction as it is in classical dream analysis.

The secondary market is seen as the large segment of the lay public who have followed the writings of authors such as Drs. Brian Weiss, Raymond Moody, Carolyn Myss, Gary Schwartz, Kenneth Ring, and Ms. Carol Bowman. The varied themes in the case studies were chosen for their broad appeal. Feedback on the current manuscript suggests readers find the material deeply moving and thought provoking.


ISBN-13: 9781845900304
Publisher: Crown House Publishing
Publication date: November, 2006
Pages: 192
Weight: 288g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Complementary Medicine, Psychotherapy


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