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Main description:
Comprehensive in scope yet succinct in its descriptions and explanations, THEORIES OF PSYCHOTHERAPY AND COUNSELING: CONCEPTS AND CASES, 6th Edition equips readers with a solid understanding of the systematic theories of psychotherapy and counseling. The book delivers a thorough explanation of concepts as well as insightful case summaries and therapist-client dialogues that illustrate techniques and treatment in practice. It demonstrates how theories can be applied to individual therapy or counseling for common psychological disorders-such as depression and generalized anxiety disorders-as well as how to apply them to group therapy.
1. Introduction.
2. Psychoanalysis.
3. Jungian Analysis and Therapy.
4. Adlerian Therapy.
5. Existential Therapy.
6. Person-Centered Therapy.
7. Gestalt Therapy: An Experiential Therapy.
8. Behavior Therapy.
9. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.
10. Cognitive Therapy.
11. Reality Therapy.
12. Constructive Approaches.
13. Feminist Therapy: A Multicultural Approach.
14. Family Therapy.
15. Other Psychotherapies.
16. Integrative Therapies.
17. Comparison and Critique.
Publisher: CENGAGE Learning Custom Publishing
Publication date: November, 2014
Pages: 768
Weight: 1633g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Psychology, Psychotherapy