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Clinical Medicine
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Main description:

Oxford Assess and Progress is a new and unique revision resource for medical students. Written and edited by clinicians and educational experts the series provides an array of popular assessment questions and extra features, including bonus online questions, to be truly fit for purpose and assessment success!

Medical students will benefit from a comprehensive selection of Single Best Answer Questions and Extended Matching Questions designed to test understanding and application of core medical topics. Key professional themes such as decision making, communication and ethics are also teased out to ensure complete revision coverage. Editorials in each chapter unlock difficult subjects.

Ideal companions to the best-selling Oxford Handbooks these excellent self-assessment guides can also be used entirely independently. Oxford Assess and Progress: Clinical Medicine doesn't simply reveal the correct or wrong answer. Readers are directed to further revision material via detailed feedback on why the correct answer is best, and references to the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine and resources such as journal articles. Each question is rated out of four
possible levels of difficulty, from medical student to junior doctor.

Carefully complied and reviewed to ensure quality, students can rely on the Oxford Assess and Progress series to prepare for their exams.

60 Photographs, line drawings and ECGs

Online Resource Centre
A link to the Oxford Handbooks updates page
Bonus online questions - to help you study for medical examinations
Please note: bonus Single Best Answer questions will be posted online each month for the months of February to June each year.


ISBN-13: 9780199562121
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP Oxford)
Publication date: January, 2010
Pages: 576
Dimensions: 108.00 x 184.00 x 22.30
Weight: 297g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders, Medical Study and Teaching Aids


Average Rating 

Recommended in Times Higher Education, February 2010 There is no doubt that this book would have been a great help during my revision and I would strongly recommend it. It is certainly the best question book Ive used, it not only prepares you for the exam but it also prepares you for the wards. Thomas Kelley, Academic Foundation Year 1 Doctor, Oxford University Clinical Academic Graduate School