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Oxford Assess and Progress: Situational Judgement Test
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Main description:

Returning for a third edition, Oxford Assess and Progress: Situational Judgement Test (SJT) is THE definitive guide for students preparing to sit the Situational Judgement Test for entry into the UK Foundation Programme. This authoritative book, mapped to the Foundation Programme curriculum and GMC guidance, includes over 285 practice questions to help you maximize your SJT score.

Fully revised and updated, this third edition provides over 285 questions and high-quality feedback that has been developed to clarify the ranking of every answer option, not just the correct one. All scenarios are based on real experiences informed by practising doctors and medical students who have sat the SJT to ensure that the questions closely mirror the content of the real exam. Two mock tests allow candidates to prepare for exam day and practice their timings - one of the biggest
challenges in the exam.

Written by consultants, this authoritative guide demystifies the SJT, allowing you to achieve the best possible score and take control of the first stage of your medical career.


Section 1 Introduction to the SJT
1: Foundation Programme selection
2: What is the SJT?
3: What does the SJT test?
4: Does it work?
5: How are SJT questions created?
6: How can you prepare?
7: Tips for the SJT
8: How to use this book
Section 2 Questions
9: Commitment to professionalism
10: Coping with pressure
11: Effective communication
12: Patient focus
13: Working effectively as part of a team
Section 3 Practice test
14: Practice test


ISBN-13: 9780198805809
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication date: June, 2018
Pages: 304
Dimensions: 100.00 x 182.00 x 16.00
Weight: 232g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Practice, Medical Study and Teaching Aids
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