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Situational Judgement Test
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Main description:

Oxford Assess and Progress: Situational Judgement Test is THE definitive guide for students preparing to sit the new Situational Judgement Test for entry into the UK Foundation Programme. This authoritative book, mapped to the foundation programme curriculum and GMC guidance, includes over 230 practice questions to help readers maximize their SJT score.

This essential guide demystifies the SJT and provides a structure for identifying 'correct' answers. All scenarios are based on real experiences informed by over 40 doctors and closely mirror questions expected to appear in the SJT. Detailed explanations are provided for each answer based on established professional guidance. These help readers internalise the attitudes and values required of junior doctors which are not always taught explicitly at medical school.

Written by junior doctors and overseen by experts in medical assessment, this authoritative guide is aimed at students wanting to achieve the best possible score and take control of the first stage of their medical careers.


ISBN-13: 9780199660360
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP Oxford)
Publication date: September, 2012
Pages: 240
Weight: 227g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Medical Study and Teaching Aids


Average Rating 

'I was one of the original guinea pigs for the SJT. If I had this book before I sat the exam I would have aced it. This book shows you exactly what the markers are looking for, where to find valuable pre-reading material and the practice questions are impressively like those in the real SJT.' 'An excellent book that I would recommend to other students. It certainly has made the exam feel less daunting and I feel more prepared having used this book.'