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Essential Haematology
Includes Desktop Edition
Series: essentials
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Main description:

Essential Haematology is established as
the most authoritative introduction to haematology. Beautifully presented, it introduces the formation and function of blood cells and diseases that arise from dysfunction and disruption of these processes. Basic science, diagnostic tests, clinical features and management are all clearly explained. The book outlines the basic principles of clinical and laboratory haematology and shows how manifestations of blood diseases can be explained by new knowledge of the disease processes.
For the first time, Essential Haematology is fully supported by a suite of online MCQs and answers, and is now available as a FREE enhanced Wiley Desktop Edition (upon purchase of the book).

Thoroughly updated to reflect the latest research in this fast–moving field
Contains summary boxes at the end of each chapter
Includes an expanded treatment range and an expanded section on bone marrow failure and transplantation
Includes a companion website at featuring figures and tables from the book for downloading, and interactive multiple choice questions prepared by the authors

Back cover:

Essential Haematology is established as
the most authoritative introduction to haematology. Beautifully presented, it introduces the formation and function of blood cells and diseases that arise from dysfunction and disruption of these processes. Basic science, diagnostic tests, clinical features and management are all clearly explained. The book outlines the basic principles of clinical and laboratory haematology and shows how manifestations of blood diseases can be explained by new knowledge of the disease processes.
For the first time, Essential Haematology is fully supported by a suite of online MCQs and answers, and is now available as a FREE enhanced Wiley Desktop Edition (upon purchase of the book).

Thoroughly updated to reflect the latest research in this fast–moving field
Contains summary boxes at the end of each chapter
Includes an expanded treatment range and an expanded section on bone marrow failure and transplantation
Includes a companion website at featuring figures and tables from the book for downloading, and interactive multiple choice questions prepared by the authors


Preface to the Sixth Edition vii

Preface to the First Edition ix

How to get the best out of your textbook x

1 Haemopoiesis 1

2 Erythropoiesis and general aspects of anaemia 15

3 Hypochromic anaemias 33

4 Iron overload 50

5 Megaloblastic anaemias and other macrocytic anaemias 58

6 Haemolytic anaemias 73

7 Genetic disorders of haemoglobin 88

8 The white cells 1: granulocytes, monocytes and their benign disorders 108

9 The white cells 2: lymphocytes and their benign disorders 126

10 The spleen 142

11 The aetiology and genetics of haematological malignancies 150

12 Management of haematological malignancy 166

13 Acute myeloid leukaemia 178

14 Chronic myeloid leukaemia 191

15 The non–leukaemic myeloproliferative neoplasms 200

16 Myelodysplasia 214

17 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 223

18 The chronic lymphoid leukaemias 234

19 Hodgkin lymphoma 245

20 Non–Hodgkin lymphoma 253

21 Multiple myeloma and related disorders 272

22 Aplastic anaemia and bone marrow failure 288

23 Stem cell transplantation 297

24 Platelets, blood coagulation and haemostasis 314

25 Bleeding disorders caused by vascular and platelet abnormalities 330

26 Coagulation disorders 345

27 Thrombosis and antithrombotic therapy 362

28 Haematological changes in systemic disease 381

29 Blood transfusion 397

30 Pregnancy and neonatal haematology 413


1 Normal values 424

2 World Health Organization classifi cation of tumours of the haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues 426

Index 431


ISBN-13: 9781405198905
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd (Wiley–Blackwell)
Publication date: March, 2011
Pages: 468
Dimensions: 190.00 x 243.00 x 22.71
Weight: 1104g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders, Haematology


Victor Hoffbrand is Emeritus Professor of Haematology at University College London and Honorary Consultant Haematologist at the Royal Free Hospital, London

Paul Moss is Professor of Haematology at the University of Birmingham, UK

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