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Roitt′s Essential Immunology
Includes Desktop Edition
Series: essentials
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Main description:

Roitt′s Essential Immunology – the textbook of choice for students and instructors of immunology worldwide

Bringing you fully up–to–date with the latest knowledge and concepts about the workings of the immune system, the hallmark easy–reading style of Roitt s Essential Immunology clearly explains the key principles needed by medical and health sciences students, from the basis of immunity to clinical applications.

Beautifully presented, with brand new illustrations, the pedagogy has been strengthened throughout, and includes just to recap sections at the beginning of each chapter, reminding the reader of key findings and principles, and summary sections at the end of each chapter that are ideal for quick study and revision.

Also available as a FREE enhanced Wiley Desktop Edition (upon purchase of the book), Roitt′s Essential Immunology is supported by a suite of online resources at including:

  • Interactive MCQs and SBA questions for each chapter, with feedback on all answers selected

  • Animations and videos showing key concepts

  • Fully downloadable figures and illustrations, further reading and useful links

  • Extracts from the Encyclopaedia of Life Science

  • Podcasts to reinforce the key principles explained in the text: ideal for revision on the go

Back cover:

Roitt′s Essential Immunology – the textbook of choice for students and instructors of immunology worldwide

Bringing you fully up–to–date with the latest knowledge and concepts about the workings of the immune system, the hallmark easy–reading style of Roitt s Essential Immunology clearly explains the key principles needed by medical and health sciences students, from the basis of immunity to clinical applications.

Beautifully presented, with brand new illustrations, the pedagogy has been strengthened throughout, and includes just to recap sections at the beginning of each chapter, reminding the reader of key findings and principles, and summary sections at the end of each chapter that are ideal for quick study and revision.

Also available as a FREE enhanced Wiley Desktop Edition (upon purchase of the book), Roitt′s Essential Immunology is supported by a suite of online resources at including:

  • Interactive MCQs and SBA questions for each chapter, with feedback on all answers selected

  • Animations and videos showing key concepts

  • Fully downloadable figures and illustrations, further reading and useful links

  • Extracts from the Encyclopaedia of Life Science

  • Podcasts to reinforce the key principles explained in the text: ideal for revision on the go


Acknowledgments vi

Preface vii

Abbreviations viii

How to get the best out of your textbook xii

PART 1: Fundamentals of Immunology

1. Innate immunity 3

2. Specifi c acquired immunity 35

3. Antibodies 53

4. Membrane receptors for antigen 79

5. The primary interaction with antigen 113

6. Immunological methods and applications 141

7. The anatomy of the immune response 188

8. Lymphocyte activation 205

9. The production of effectors 226

10. Control mechanisms 263

11. Ontogeny and phylogeny 283

PART 2: Applied Immunology

12. Adversarial strategies during infection 313

13. Vaccines 345

14. Immunodefi ciency 369

15. Allergy and other hypersensitivities 394

16. Transplantation 423

17. Tumor immunology 445

18. Autoimmune diseases 475

Glossary 511

Index 522


ISBN-13: 9781405196833
John Wiley & Sons Ltd (Wiley–Blackwell)
Publication date: April, 2011
Pages: 560
Dimensions: 212.00 x 274.00 x 25.89
Weight: 1824g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders, Immunology


Dr Peter Delves, University College London

Professor Seamus Martin, Trinity College, Dublin

Professor Dennis Burton, Scripps Research Institute

Professor Ivan Roitt, University of Middlesex

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