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Essential Primary Care
Series: essentials
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Main description:

Essential Primary Care aims to provide undergraduate students with a comprehensive overview of the clinical problems encountered in primary care. It covers the structure of primary care in the UK, disease prevention and the management of common and important clinical presentations from infancy to old age. Case studies are used in every chapter to illustrate key learning points. The book provides practical advice on how to consult with patients, make sense of their symptoms, explain things to them, and manage their problems.
Essential Primary Care: Is structured in five sections: - The building blocks of primary care: its structure and connection with secondary care, the consultation, the process of making a diagnosis, prescribing, and ethical issues - Health promotion - Common and important presenting problems in roughly chronological order - Cancer - Death and palliative care Gives advice on how to phrase questions when consulting with patients and how to present information to patients Provides advice on how management extends to prescribing - often missing from current textbooks Contains case studies within each chapter which reflect the variety of primary care and provide top tips and advice for consulting with patients Supported by a companion website at featuring MCQs, EMQs, cases and OSCE checklists


contributors viii Foreword ix Preface x How to use your textbook xi About the companion website xii Part 1: The key features of primary care 1 The structure and organisation of primary care 3 Andrew Blythe 2 The GP consultation 10 Jessica Buchan 3 Making a diagnosis 22 Barbara Laue 4 Prescribing 30 Andrew Blythe 5 The interface with secondary care 42 Sarah Jahfar 6 The everyday ethics of primary care 50 Trevor Thompson Part 2: Healthy living and disease prevention 7 Behaviour change 59 Jessica Buchan 8 Alcohol and drug misuse 68 Andrew Blythe 9 Preventing cardiovascular disease 77 Andrew Blythe 10 Caring for people with learning disabilities 85 Andrew Blythe Part 3: Common presenting problems 11 Tiredness 95 Andrew Blythe Childhood 12 Child health in primary care 111 Jessica Buchan 13 Managing the feverish and ill child in primary care 120 Alastair Hay, Lucy Jenkins and Jessica Buchan 14 Managing common conditions in infancy 134 Jessica Buchan 15 Managing chronic conditions in childhood 139 Lucy Jenkins, Alastair Hay, Matthew Ridd and Jessica Buchan 16 Teenage and young ]adult health 147 Jessica Buchan and David Kessler Early adulthood 17 Respiratory tract infections 157 Lucy Jenkins 18 Low back pain 163 Jessica Buchan 19 Heartburn and dyspepsia 170 Jessica Buchan 20 Diarrhoea and rectal bleeding 177 Andrew Blythe 21 Common skin conditions 184 Matthew Ridd 22 Headache 194 Andrew Blythe 23 Fits, faints and funny turns 201 Andrew Blythe 24 Depression, anxiety and self ]harm 210 David Kessler 25 Sexual health and dysuria 219 Lucy Jenkins 26 Menstrual problems, contraception and termination of pregnancy 231 Jessica Buchan 27 Pregnancy 241 Jessica Buchan 28 Domestic violence and abuse 254 Gene Feder Middle and old age 29 Cardiovascular disease 265 Andrew Blythe 30 Breathlessness 275 Jessica Buchan 31 Joint pains and stiffness 287 Andrew Blythe 32 Urinary problems and prostate disease 294 Simon Thornton 33 The menopause 302 Jessica Buchan 34 Multimorbidity and polypharmacy 307 Polly Duncan and Andrew Blythe 35 Falls and fragility fractures 314 Andrew Blythe 36 Visual and hearing loss 322 Andrew Blythe 37 Dementia 331 Andrew Blythe Part 4: Cancer 38 Spotting patients with cancer 343 Andrew Blythe 39 Looking after patients with cancer 352 Andrew Blythe Part 5: Palliative care and death 40 Palliative care and death 361 Andrew Blythe Index 371


ISBN-13: 9781118867617
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd (John Wiley & Sons Inc)
Publication date: May, 2016
Pages: 352
Dimensions: 216.00 x 272.00 x 18.00
Weight: 1100g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders, Ethics, Medical Study and Teaching Aids, Public Health
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