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Neurologic Complications of Critical Illness
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Consults in the Intensive Care Unit to evaluate and manage acute neurological clinical problems are usually of considerable complexity and are the most challenging ones. This single authored monograph is the standard reference on neurological complications of critically ill patients and has been the first and only book of its kind. This comprehensive book will assist the neurologist to recognize and treat complex neurological complications in critically ill patients
admitted to medical, surgical, trauma, and transplant intensive care units. Every chapter provides a representative selection of the state of the art in the intensive care unit, necessary for an understanding of critical care medicine.

It offers practical advice on how to best deal wtih coma after cardiopulmonary resuscitation, failure to awaken after surgery, delirium, new onset seizures, generalized weakness, acute paraplegia, movement disorders, and many other manifestations of a neurologic emergency. Other topics include neurologic complications after organ transplantation, spinal cord injury after thoracoabdominal surgery, neurologic complications of invasive procedures and devices, complications from cardiac surgery,
traumatic brain, spine, and peripheral nerve injury, and environmental injuries such as hypothermia and near drowning. This book also addresses end of life care in the intensive care unit and the responsibilities of the consulting neurologist.

This third edition has been thoroughly updated and expanded with new chapters on viral infectious outbreaks (West Nile and tick-borne encephalitis), intoxication, poisoning, and chemical and biowarfare. The book closes with a new chapter that provides a practical model on how to best approach these complex patients and five common scenarios are discussed. This third edition adds more than 100 new figures, tables and helpful maangement algorithms, and over 500 new references. All major topics
are discussed systematically, thoroughly, and logically. This book is a key practical text for neurologists, intensivists, trauma surgeons, transplant surgeons, and trainees, but also is essential for the critical care nursing staff.


PART 1: GENERAL CLINICAL NEUROLOGICAL PROBLEMS IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT ; 1. Coma and Other States of Altered Awareness in the Intensive Care Unit ; Definitions of Altered States of Consciousness ; Neurologic Examination of the Acutely Confused Patient ; Neurologic Examination of the Comatose Patient ; Neurologic Examination in Brain Death ; Conclusions ; 2. Neurologic Manifestations of Drugs Used for Analgesia and Anesthesia in the Intensive Care Unit ; Principles of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics in Critical Illness ; Effect of Drugs on Neuromuscular Junction ; Effect of Drugs on Level of Consciousness ; Malignant Hyperthermia ; Concusions ; 3. Seizures in the Intensive Care Unit ; Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures ; Drug-Induced and Drug-Withdrawal Seizures ; Seizures and Acute Metabolic Derangements ; Convulsive Status Epilepticus ; Non-Convulsive Status Epilepticus ; Management of Seizures and Status Epilepticus ; Conclusions ; 4. Generalized Weakness in the Intensive Care Unit ; General Considerations ; Disorders of the Spinal Cord ; Disorders of Peripheral Nerves ; Disorders of the Neuromuscular Junction ; Disorders of Skeletal Muscle ; Conclusions ; PART II: NEUROLOGICA COMPLICATIONS IN MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INTENSIVE CARE UNITS AND TRANSPLANTATION UNITS ; 5. Neurologic Complications of Invasive Procedures ; General Considerations ; Conclusions ; 6. Neurologic Manifestations of Acute Bacterial Infections ; Bacterial Meningitis ; Spinal Epidural Abscess ; Infective Endocarditis ; Clostridial Syndromes ; Sepsis ; Conclusions ; 7. Neurological Manifestations of Infectious Outbreaks ; West Nile Virus ; Tick Borne Encephalitis ; Endemic Influenza ; Conclusions ; 8. Neurologic Complications of Cardiac Arrest ; General Considerations in Resuscitation Medicine ; Postresuscitation Encephalopathy ; Supportive Care ; Specific Treatment and Therapeutic Hypothermia ; Conclusions ; 9. Neurologic Manifestations of Acid-Base Derangements, Electrolyte Disorders, and Endocrine Crises ; Acid-Base Disorders ; Electrolyte Disorders ; Glucose Control and Monitoring in ICU ; Endocrine Emergencies ; Conclusions ; 10. Neurologic Complications of Acute Renal Disease ; Uremic Encephalopathy ; Dialysis Dysequilibrium ; Hypertensive Encephalopathy Syndromes ; Neuromuscular Disorders ; Conclusions ; 11. Neurologic Manifestations of Acute Hepatic Failure ; General Considerations ; Hepatic Encephalopathy ; Brain Edema in Fulminant Hepatic Failure ; Conclusions ; 12. Neurologic Complications Associated with Disorders of Thrombosis and Hemostasis ; General Considerations ; Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation ; Thrombolysis and Anticoagulation ; Neoplastic Coagulopathies ; Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura ; Conclusions ; 13. Neurologic Complications of Acute Vasculitis Syndromes ; General Considerations ; Large Vessel Vasculitis ; Polyarteritis Nodosa ; Churg-Strauss Syndrome ; Wegener's Granulomatosis ; Drug-Induced Vasculitis ; Conclusions ; 14. Neurologic Complications in the Critically Ill Pregnant Patient ; Eclampsia ; Hellp Syndrome ; Amniotic Fluid Embolism ; Neurologic Complications of Tocolytic Agents ; Conclusions ; 15. Neurologic Complications of Cardiac Surgery ; Vascular Anatomy of the Spinal Cord ; Scope of the Problem ; Neurologic Features of Spinal Cord Infarction ; Diagnostic Evaluation of Spinal Cord Infarction ; Therapeutic Options ; Plexopathies ; Aortic Dissection ; Conclusions ; 16. Neurologic Complications of Cardiac Surgery ; General Considerations ; Ischemic Stroke ; Neuropsychologic Impairment ; Retinal Damage ; Peripheral Nerve Damage ; Conclusions ; 17. Neurologic Complications of Acute Environmental Illness ; Thermal Burns ; Smoke Inhalation ; Electrical Burns ; Lightning Injury ; Accidental Hypothermia ; Heat Stroke ; Near-Drowning ; Conclusions ; 18. Neurologic Complications of Drug Overdose, Poisoning, and Terrorism ; The Presenting Emergency and Principles of Management ; Specific Poisonings ; Drugs of Abuse ; Biological and Chemical Warfare ; 19. Neurologic Complications of Multisystem Trauma ; Clinical Spectrum of Head Injury ; Neuroradiologic Findings in Head Injuries ; General Principles of Management ; Management of Increased Intracranial Pressure ; Management of Traumatic Intracranial Hematomas ; Management of Traumatic Cerebral Aneurysm ; Trauma of Spine and Spinal Cord ; Acute Spinal Cord Injury ; Post-Traumatic Neuropathies Associated with Fractures ; Fat Embolism Syndrome ; War Related Injury ; Conclusions ; 20. Neurologic Complications of Organ Transplantation ; Surgical Techniques of Transplantation ; Neurologic Complications in Transplantation ; Neurologic Complications of Graft-Versus-Host Disease ; Conclusions ; PART III: OUTCOME IN CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CATASTROPHES ; 21. Outcome of Acute Injury to the Central Nervous System ; Description of Outcome Categories ; Outcome in Metabolic Encephalopathies ; Outcome in Stroke ; Outcome in Central Nervous System Infections ; Outcome in Head Injury ; Outcome in Traumatic Spine Injury ; Conclusions ; PART IV: THE CLINICAL PRACTICE OF CONSULTATIVE NEUROLOGY IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT ; 22. The Neurologist Consulting in the Intensive Care Unit ; Preparation and History Taking ; Common Requests for Consults in the ICU ; The Role of the Neurologist in Family Discussions ; 12. The Neurologist and End of Life Care in the Intensive Care Unit ; General Considerations ; Legals Aspects of Withdrawal of Care ; Decisions in Withdrawal of Care ; Withdrawal of Care ; Withdrawal of Care in Special Neurologic Circumstances ; Brain Death and Organ Donation ; Cardiac Death and Organ Donation ; Conclusions ; INDEX


ISBN-13: 9780195371093
Publisher: Oxford University Press (Oxford University Press Inc)
Publication date: May, 2009
Pages: 488
Dimensions: 188.00 x 260.00 x 23.00
Weight: 1158g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Critical Care Medicine, Neurology
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