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Paraneoplastic Syndromes
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Main description:

Paraneoplastic syndromes, defined in this book as "disorders caused by cancer, but not a direct result of cancer invasion of the affected organ or tissue", once believed to be rare and esoteric neurologic disorders have assumed increasing importance as an explanation of neurologic and other symptoms in patients suffered from occult or controllable cancers. This book attempts a comprehensive review of paraneoplastic syndromes from considering both clinical and
pathophysiologic aspects. The book is divided into 4 sections: The first is an overview, classifying the disorders, describing a clinical approach to the diagnosis and treatment of paraneoplastic syndromes in general and identifying their pathogenesis. The second section discusses the clinical findings
and treatment of individual paraneoplastic syndromes with chapters dedicated to each of the neurologic syndromes and a chapter discussing nonneurologic syndromes such as endocrine, cutaneous, and rheumatologic paraneoplastic disorders. The third section discusses autoantibodies that characterize individual paraneoplastic syndromes. The final section discusses the paraneoplastic syndromes associated with individual cancers.


Contents ; SECTION 1 OVERVIEW ; 1. HISTORY ; DEFINITIONS ; CLASSIFICATION ; HISTORY ; Pathogenesis ; EPIDEMIOLOGY ; IMPORTANCE ; 2. CLINICAL FINDINGS, TREATMENT AND PROGNOSIS ; INTRODUCTION ; CLINICAL APPROACH ; The Patient without Known Cancer The Patient with Known Cancer ; CLUES TO DIAGNOSIS ; Clinical Findings Laboratory Investigation ; PATHOLOGY ; TREATMENT ; Plasma Exchange (Plasmapheresis) Intravenous Immunoglobulin ; Rituximab Cyclophosphamide Corticosteroids Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Recommendations ; PROGNOSIS ; 3. PATHOGENESIS ; INTRODUCTION ; HISTORICAL VIEWS ; Toxic Substances Competition for Essential Substrate Bullet Opportunistic Infection Immune Mediated ; CURRENT CONCEPTS OF PATHOGENESIS ; Unresolved Questions Conclusions ; ANIMAL MODELS ; SECTION 2 CLINICAL SYNDROMES ; 4. BRAIN (CEREBRUM) ; INTRODUCTION ; CEREBRAL CORTEX ; WHITE MATTER DEMYELINATION ; BLOOD VESSELS (VASCULITIS) ; HIPPOCAMPUS/LYMBIC ENCEPHALITIS ; TASTE


ISBN-13: 9780199772735
Publisher: Oxford University Press (Oxford University Press Inc)
Publication date: September, 2011
Pages: 496
Dimensions: 254.00 x 260.00 x 35.00
Weight: 1414g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders, Neurology, Oncology
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